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Reaping Skill + NPC Soul Reaper Career  

Upload: 30 Oct 2023, 17:17
Created by: Gauntlet101010 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Reaping Skill + NPC Soul Reaper Career

Ever since I first heard of the Sims 4 I knew I wanted a lot to do with the Grim Reaper.  I mean ... obviously.  And I was really intrigued when I heard about the hidden Reaping skill!  What could it be for? 

Oh, it's for nothing?  That sucks.  And it's gone now, eliminated with one of the patches.  Great.  

Also, when you look at the Sims4 Reaper you see he has a book always with him.  Wouldn't it be neat if you could read that?  

Oh, you can't?  That sucks.

But you know what?  I just cannot leave that be.  And so I ripped out the Reaping Skill from an older version of the game and put it back using a mod!  Moreover, I altered the book carried by the Reaper in both the Sims 4 AND The Sims Freeplay to allow you to read and write in it thereby levelling up this skill legitimately.  Where's the blue book from?  Well, when I rip the textures from Sims Freeplay they usually have their colours corrupted when opened in Photoshop.  Obviously I can fix that but I may as well use that corrupted texture as a whole new item, or that's how I see it anyway.

AND it's no longer useless.  Mastering the Reaping Skill grants you the isGrimReaper trait - the same trait used by the Grim Reaper in the game.  No more using cheats to get it.  If you want to have some halfway legitimate way of obtaining that you now can.

But that's not all!  I mean we already have ways of getting that trait, right?  So, on top of that, I've opened up the Soul Reaper career.  Now YOU can have YOUR Sim be the Grim Reaper.  The one that arrives to take souls away into the netherworld.  If you happen to be in the household with the Grim Reaper he'll stop what he's doing and do his reaping thing.

Just buy the books from a bookshelf.  Reading or writing in them will max out the Reaping skill and give you the actual NPC Grim reaper trait.  This opens up the Reaper's job.

Apply to be a Soul Reaper from a computer like any job.  I guess they've modernized.
- People who already have the Reaper trait can apply for Soul Reaping work immediately.
- You can use the book to remove the Reaper trait.

Use this cheat to add the career (essential for Toddlers):
Careers.add_career career_Adult_NPC_GrimReaper

You can use the book to quit the job and remove the trait if you're tired of your Sim being a Reaper. 

German translation by Dimenarius

Issues / Notes: 

- Grim Reapers added to your family using "Add to family" retain their jobs as a Soul Reaper.  A last exception happens when killing a child when part of the family immediately after this.  Don't know why, but it doesn't appear to affect anything.

- Sims can write all they like and not really stop.  So you may want to check on them just in case they get carried away.

- Children and Toddlers have stretched limbs when doing Reaping animations.  Toddlers have stretched limbs when they write in the book.  

I REALLY wanted to get them to write with a quill like the Freeplay Reaper does, but I just couldn't crack that nut.  Maybe one day.

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