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Family History Mod  

Upload: 31 Aug 2024, 14:50
Last updated: 23-10-2024, 06:47
Created by: Simsonian Library [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Family History Mod

The Family History mod allows your sim to explore their imagined family tree. It focuses on their ancestors who lived many generations ago, rather than just their grandparents.

Your sim can discover where their ancestors came from, if they had any notable relatives, and whether they are descended from legendary figures like kings, wizards, or infamous pirates. These ancestors are represented as traits that provide various bonuses to your sim based on who they were. For example, if your sim is descended from a famous doctor, they might have an innate ability to be a better doctor than usual.

Once your sim learns about their ancestral traits, they can pass them on to other family members. They can also write a family history book, which related sims can read and gain the traits from. This book can be passed down from one generation to the next.

There are 33 notable ancestors and 24 legendary ones, each with a name, backstory, and family portrait. Additionally, there are 24 ancestral region traits associated with landscape portraits.

Ancestral Traits

There are three types of ancestral traits

Ancestral Regions: These indicate that some of your sim’s ancestral lines come from this region. Every sim will have multiple ancestral regions, representing different ancestral family lines. You usually need to find a few of your sim’s ancestral regions before you can find any ancestors.

Notable Ancestors: Notable Ancestors are ancestors who were famous due to their professional skill, such as Doctors, Entertainers or Athletes. Knowing about notable ancestors gives your sim bonuses related to the profession of their ancestor, as well as material benefits like scholarships and investment funds.

Legendary Ancestors: Legendary Ancestors are ancestors who were famous due to legendary occult abilities or having been involved in large scale events. These include Spellcasters, Adventurers, Royalty, Knights, and so on. In addition to buff bonuses relating to the legendary ancestor, discovery of some types of ancestors provides a family gift of the ancestor’s journals. Reading these can provide bonus traits and abilities based on your ancestor’s exploits.

Many of these ancestors have non-profit foundations that provide scholarships, investment funds and other benefits to their descendants. If you find a connection to a notable scholar, for example, your sim will get a full scholarship, and by passing the trait down to their children by teaching them about it, all of them (and their children, etc) will also get free college.

When you discover any of these ancestors or ancestral regions, you will get a painting of the region or portrait of the ancestors. You can view these paintings and get various positive buffs.

Family Lore Skill

The Family Lore skill represents what your sims knows about their own family, and as well as how well they know how to do genealogical research. In addition, I added a Research Progress mechanic very similar to Scientific Breakthroughs from the Get to Work Scientist career. Your sim can research their genealogy, and once they get to a certain point they'll have a breakthrough and learn something new about their background.

Finding Ancestral Traits

Finding Ancestral Traits is handled using a hidden Research Progress statistic that represents how close you are to your next genealogical discovery.

Research Progress is gained on a curve, so that the more ancestral traits you've found for a sim, the harder the next trait is to discover.

Your sim can research by

  • Researching Genealogy on a computer

  • Reading certain historical books in the library: SimCity Census Records, SimCity Picayune Archives, SimCity City Directory

  • Searching for Rare Documents in a library

  • Searching for and analyzing family memorabilia in the attic decoration box on your sim’s lot

  • Analyzing Memorabilia found in the SimCity Records Archive. Must be in a region your sim's ancestors came from.

  • Using the metal detector to find buried memorabilia and analyzing it. Must be in a region your sim's ancestors came from.

  • Talking to other sims in regions that your sim's ancestors came from. Must be in a region your sim's ancestors came from.

  • Analyzing gravestones. Must be in a region your sim's ancestors came from.

  • Visiting Mediums (click on your sim and choose Goto Seance under Family History).

  • Asking sims in one of your Ancestral Regions about local families in the area.

  • Discussing family backgrounds with another sim.

  • Can 'Research Birth Certificates' on any computer on the Hospital lot

  • Can 'Research Legal Documents' on any computer on the Police Station lot

Research Tools

SimCity Records Archive

There is a SimCity Records Archive object (pictured top left above) that acts as a bookshelf with several genealogy-related books automatically included. This is best placed in a library (where it will add the books to all of the bookshelves) or some other 'public' type location. The Gnome's Arms pub in Hensford-on-Bagley is a good place for one of these, for example, as are Community Centers (if lacking a library in the region).

If you are in one of your ancestral regions, you can Rummage Through Memorabilia on this to find objects that will provide genealogical research progress if you analyze them. You can also purchase a Simsco Metal Detector from the cabinet to use in one of your ancestral regions to find dig piles that contain memorabilia to analyze.

Simsco Metal Detector

The metal detector can be used to find dig piles anywhere. However, if you are in one of your ancestral regions, the dig piles will contain genealogical memorabilia that you can study for research progress.

You can also purchase the metal detector on a computer, under Order -> Genealogical Supplies.

Analyzing Gravestones

Once you gain a certain Family Lore skill level, you can analyze gravestones in your ancestral regions for genealogical research progress. They don't have to be 'in use' (assigned to a dead sim), so you can just build a graveyard 'park' lot somewhere for Sims to do research.

Passing the Knowledge On

Once your sim learns about some of their history, they can teach relatives about it so that they will get the benefits of those traits as well, eg, a grandparent teaching a grandchild their family history will result in the child acquiring all of the ancestral traits that the grandparent has.

Once you reach level 8 in Family Lore, you can Teach Family History to your immediate relatives. This will copy all of your ancestral traits to the family members.

Your sim can also create a Family History book that will keep track of their ancestral traits, and allow family members who read it to also have those traits. Once you reach level 9 in Family Lore, you can write a Family History book on the computer.

Distant Relatives

There's a chance that you will find distant relatives that have some of the same notable or legendary ancestors as you. It provides a bonus to friendship.

To compare your family backgrounds with another sim, select Discuss Family Backgrounds.  You can learn about people in your Ancestral Regions by asking sims in that region about local families.

Sims with a common ancestral region have some additional social interactions under the Family History menu, including talking about regional politics, sports and history.

Ancestral Recipes

Each region has an ancestral recipe that can be found and unlocked. It's meant to be a 'home-style' or local variant of an existing dish, like the signature dish for that region. You can find them by searching for memorabilia in either the records cabinet or the attic decoration box. You will only find recipes for regions that are your sim's ancestral regions.

If your sim has ancestors from a region, eating an ancestral recipe from that region will give you a special buff for a few hours.  Both cooking ancestral recipes and eating them provide ancestral favor bonuses. They've all been made available at cooking level 2, since it's meant to be something average sims made at home.

You can both teach ancestral recipes to others, as well as ask others to teach you the ones they know, whether either of you is from the associated regions or not.

Finally, all bars in a given region will include that region's ancestral recipe in it's Order Food menu. You can also add any of them to custom restaurant menus. Your sims will get the same buffs for eating them as if they made them themselves.

Ancestral Recipe List


  • Willow Creek Gumbo

  • Chestnut Soup

  • Brindleton Clam Chowdah

  • Britechester College Cake

  • Copperdale Chicken

  • Asparagus Del Sol

  • Evergreen Free-Range Tofurkey

  • Straud Salad

  • Glimmerbrook Faerie Cake

  • Granite Stew

  • Bagley Beef

  • Noodles Promenade

  • Komorebi-Style Yakisoba

  • Cocotte de Thon a la Newcrest

  • Oasis Hotdish

  • San Myshuno Cheesecake

  • San Sequoia Salmon

  • Empanadas del Omiscan

  • Tartosian Family-Style Spaghetti

  • Cordelia's Crown Roast


  • Lumberjack Steak

  • Strangerville-Style Ribs


  • Royal Sulani Pork

Club Interaction Groups and Holiday Goals

There are club requirements for each ancestral region, so if you want to create clubs based on common regional ancestors, you can. For club activities, I've added:

  • Talk About The Old  Country

  • Research Genealogy

  • Tell Family Stories

There have been a few social interactions added for those with common ancestral regions:

  • Talk about (Region) Politics

  • Talk about (Region) Sports

  • Talk about (Region) History

These are available on sims who share an ancestral region.

For holiday goals, I've added

  • Eat Ancestral Food

  • Honor Ancestors

  • Tell Family Stories


There are currently 8 ancestor-related Achievements available. More as I come up with them

  • Extremely Multicultural - 5 or more Ancestral Regions

  • Notable Ancestor - 1 or more Notable Ancestor

  • Legendary Ancestor - 1 or more Legendary Ancestor

  • Cops And Robbers - Both Notable Criminal and Law Enforcement Ancestors

  • Family Bidness - Both Legendary Pirate and Notable Criminal Ancestors

  • Famous Family - 5 or more Notable or Legendary Ancestors

  • Bridging The Divide - Both Legendary Werewolf and Vampire ancestors

  • The Aristocrats! - 2 or more Legendary Royal Ancestors

Mediums and Seances

Mediums have an easier time finding their ancestors, since they can just talk to them. There’s an additional interaction on the seance table called ‘Ask About Ancestors’, that will find ancestral traits for your Medium. Mediums can also ask the spirits about another sim's ancestors, if they are present at the seance.

Mediums can hold a Seance Party, a goaled event where the goal is to find your partygoers ancestors. But you can hold a seance at any party if you are a Medium.

Finally, any sim can go to a rabbit-hole Seance and find out where they are from, find ancestors and talk to them, for a fee. The more your sim knows about their background, the more luck they’ll have at the Seance.

Ancestral Spirits

If you have a Notable or Legendary Ancestor, you can summon them to commune and give you positive buffs. In order for them to show up, you need to honor your ancestors periodically using an incense burner, among many other ways. This increases a hidden ancestral favor statistic. A high ancestral favor statistic will help you find notable and legendary ancestors as well.

Ancestral favor begins to have a large impact on how easily you discover new ancestral traits the more traits you discover (since it becomes more difficult).

You can honor your sim's ancestors and earn Ancestral favor by burning incense, honoring them at a gravestone or Simto Shrine, or making an offering at a body of water or into a fire.

In addition, I've gone through the notable ancestor traits and tried to add ancestral favor bonuses when you perform interactions related to the ancestor. In other words, painting makes your painter ancestors happy, etc.

When you earn Ancestral Favor, you will see an icon/indicator appear over your sim's head (borrowed from the Family-Oriented trait) for moment.

Ancestry Generation Details

Since the premise of the mod is that your sim already descends from the ancestors that they find, I tried to find ways of influencing ancestor finds based on who your sim is so that they ‘fit’.

I started with some assumptions:

  • Most people in the world live in the area that they grew up in or that some of their family lived in.

  • Professions tend to run in families. If your family is full of plumbers, there’s a good chance you will grow up to be a plumber.

  • Some professions are more common in some areas than others.

  • While you might not know about your ancestors, learning about them changes how you might look at yourself.

So a scientist from Oasis Springs is more likely to have ancestors from Oasis Springs, and also a higher chance of having an ancestor who was a scientist. Most of these ancestor traits also provide bonuses useful for pursuing the trade of the ancestor they derive from.

This does let you ‘engineer’ a sim’s background if you’d like. If you want a sim that’s more likely to have a Legendary Spellcaster ancestor, make them a spellcaster living in Glimmerbrook. Or you could just assign the ancestral traits using cheats to set them up to fit a storyline you have in mind. Nothing wrong with that, lol.

Change Log

  • 1.0.0b, Initial Patreon Preview Prerelease

  • 1.0.1b, Patreon Prerelease, bug fixes, ancestral region interactions, recipes, club and holiday features

  • 1.0.2b, Patreon Release Candidate 1, bug fixes, scholarship redesign (more integrated into existing scholarship functionality)

  • 1.0.3b, Patreon Release Candidate 2, bug fixes, refactoring notable and legendary ancestors to have home regions, rewrite of all notable and legendary biographies to be more individualized, more bug fixes, additional interactions

  • 1.0.4, Public Release! (finally), bug fixes

Soju 2 MB


08 Jul 2022
1 909

Soju is a traditional Korean alcoholic beverage that is often featured in dramas. And now your characters will have the opportunity to try it! Soju can be easily taken out of the fridge, so you definitely won’t need the skill of mixing drinks and a bar counter!

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