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Harvestable Corn Stalk + Optional-Popcorn Popper requires Corn Override  

Upload: 06 May 2022, 07:47
Created by: icemunmun [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Harvestable Corn Stalk + Optional-Popcorn Popper requires Corn Override

Adds a custom Corn Stalk to the game.


------Corn stalk can be found under 'Misc Appliances' . [ Search for 'Corn' in the search bar for easy access]
------ Can be planted and harvested
------ Has 4 stages with custom meshes -
1) Planted
2) Seedling
3) Mature
4) Blossoming (harvestable stages)
------ Has custom harvesting action
------ Harvested Corn is tagged as Veggie (Func_Veggie) , so can be eaten raw or used in recipes which require vegetables as a cooking ingredient.
------ Corn cannot be planted (only the corn stalk can be planted) 
------ Corn can be sold using City Living Craft sales table
------ Toddler compatible (aka toddlers can eat the harvestable, play with the plant)

Optional SP05 Popcorn Recipe override File (Popcorn_Recipes_Override.rar)

Adds Corn as a requirement for making different varieties(Buttered, Kettlecorn, Cheddar, Caramel) of popcorn using the Popcorn Popper appliance from Movie Hangout Stuff Pack (SP05)

Requirement : Base game compatible (Optional override file will require SP05)

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