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The Feedist Trait  

Upload: 11 May 2022, 12:23
Created by: redoestimate [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
The Feedist Trait

The main feature of this mod is the Feedist trait: a new trait for sims who prefer to be fat and see others grow. The trait is based on the Glutton trait, and shares most of the same features (this is why you can’t take both, it would be redundant). Feedist sims can also add sugar and bacon to goods like those with the junk food devourer trait (if you have the Snowy Escape expansion, I don’t know if this feature will work without it).

New Interactions

Feedist sims can Enthuse about weight gain and flirt with others based on their preference. Active sims won’t respond well!

Stuffing system

One of the other major changes introduced in this mod is the stuffing system. Eating too much junk food (it has to be unhealthy) in a short amount of time will now result in a “stuffed” moodlet. This affects feedist sims, active sims, and regular sims differently. Right now you have to eat about 3 or 4 plates in the course of an hour to build up enough points to get the moodlet and it decays after a few hours; this is subject to balancing based on your input. If sims keep eating you may see another buff as well…

Changes to Active sims

Active sims, in addition to their normal features, are now the opposites of Feedists: they think feedism is an abomination, and they certainly don’t want to get fat themselves! This relationship will be further expanded in subsequent updates.

Weight of the World Ice Cream

The latest feature added is a small one, but the buffs for the Weight of the World and Taste of Diet Ice Creams from the Kitchen Stuff pack have been modified for Feedist, Active, and normal sims.

Possible Future Features

There are some other things I want to put in the mod but I haven’t been able to figure them out yet. I’ll be working on them in the near future. These include:

  • Having Feedist sims be attracted to fat sims, and have Active sims be unattracted to them.
  • New whims centered around weight gain
  • A “Feeding Frenzy” system, whereby two feedists or a feedist and normal sim can have an event where the goal is to stuff and/or gain weight

If anyone has suggestions for how to improve this mod I’d love to hear it. I’m particularly interested to hear a) if you think there are any balance issues that I should address, particularly with the stuffing system, and b) if you think the mod is fun and if there are other things that would make it more fun. Please keep in mind that I cannot add new animations, character modeling, game systems, or other very complex features.

If there are any problems you experience with the mod let me know and I’ll do my best to fix them in subsequent updates!

At this point I’m also starting work on an even more ambitious weight related mod (which will allow me to further expand the Feedist mod), and if anyone has any experience with or interest in modding I could use your help! Message me if you’re interested.

As always thanks again to @TheSimFattener for his amazing work in this community. I would not be making mods if it weren’t for him.

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