Servo Cheats - Max Your Servo's Enhancement Level or Turn it Human
A quick Pie Menu I put together to aid me in the creation of a 'Humanized Servo' mod, I thought I would upload it as I feel others may find it useful.

BG - Ages Behaviour Tweak
Have you noticed that kids, teens, young adults, and older Sims with autonomy turned on behave pretty much the same? This mod will allow you to diversify autonomous behavior for each age. For example, teenagers will not do the dishes or clean the room on their own.

Vampires - Deadly Vampiric Duel
This mod adds a new interaction for vampires to the game - a death duel! From now on, your vampires will fight enemies in mortal combat. And may the best man win!

Default replacement of grass and flowers
Retexturing the basegame grass clumps was probably the first mod I made for myself in Sims 4. The original textures made me a firm believer this game was supposed to be a mobile game.