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Prom Night Event  

Upload: 14 May 2022, 10:03
Created by: kawaiistacie [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Prom Night Event

This mod allows your Sims to attend prom! They will have the option to go with someone or go alone. Some goals might include doing something with your "prom date", but this also works with other students who show up for prom! There will also be attendants at the graduation party.

You can still use this mod without the " Romantic Slow Dance " mod", but if you want to complete the main objective, you will need this mod. You can also reach gold without reaching the main objective. You also don't need to "set goals" at the event at all.

Van Helsim Aspiration

Van Helsim Aspiration

10 Jul 2022

Basically, the game lets you create the cure once you've reached Vampire Lore level 15. This aspiration incorporates that, while also giving you the opportunity to become Vampyre, for how can one truly understand unless one becomes that which they despise?

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