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Unlocked Vehicles Mod (by Nando)  

Upload: 29 May 2022, 09:02
Created by: NANDO [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Unlocked Vehicles Mod (by Nando)

This mod enabled all the world vehicles that came with the recent updates. Good news: Most of them require only the base game. The only exceptions are the golf cart and the trailer (they require Get Famous).

Also: I changed the boats a little bit; they now can also be placed on top of water. Please note that some of the cars have weird hit boxes as I didn't create them. There's not much I can do about it. The cares are purely decorative but they look much better than enlarged toy cars.

This mod is completely for free. However, if you want to support my hours of unlocking them and also my current and future projects in general, you can definitely join the Nandonators and become a Patron. We've got some cool world-changing mod packs coming up very soon!

Witchcraft Trait Set 46 KB

Witchcraft Trait Set

13 May 2022
3 177

Enchantress can "enchant" almost any Sim. Look in their direction and you'll be in a rather flirtatious mood. They build relationships faster and get in the mood from kissing.

Modern Video Studio 175 KB

Modern Video Studio

21 Mar 2022
9 131

I had a few comments regarding the Personal Video Studio Lot, so I made one for you. Some people asked for a specific part of the screenshots, but I hurriedly threw them together to make screenshots for the mod.

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.