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Rocket Building Fix  

Upload: 03 Jun 2022, 14:48
Created by: simvasion [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Rocket Building Fix

Fixes an issue preventing you from starting construction on a new rocket ship.


When you purchase a new rocket ship construction set, there are no available interactions when you try to click on the launch pad and start building the rocket.

The interaction to start building a rocket ship tries to test whether or not you are at a festival, so that it can determine whether or not it should charge you the 1000 simoleon fee to begin construction of the rocket. The test tries to run against the new sub-contests that were added for the Finchwick Fair festivals that came with Cottage Living, but these don’t have the festival street attribute that the test is looking for, so the interaction just seems to break and so nothing shows at all when you click on the rocket launch pad.

This mod changes the interaction’s festival test so that it only checks specifically for GeekCon and nothing else. This allows the interaction to run normally again.

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