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Gender Preference Set  

Upload: 04 Jun 2022, 15:09
Created by: azoresman [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Gender Preference Set

This is a new interaction for setting gender preferences to any Sim, including your active Sim. (and the reaper too)

Russian translation from Red Sky : Download (set as a replacement)

There are 4 (Four) options:

Preference Male - Likes Males
Preference Female - Likes Females
Preference Both - Self explanatory (Bisexual)
Preference None - Removes any gender preference the sim may have

If choosing Male, all and any preference the sim had for Female will be removed.
If choosing Female, all and any preference the sim had for Male will be removed.

Using Percentages by Gender: You can now choose a percentage by gender.

When setting or changing the percentage for a certain gender does not change the opposite gender percentage.

You may choose any percentage for each gender at your choice (in steps of 20%)

Services for Elderly, Youth, & Homeless

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21 Jun 2023

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Storage Counters & Islands

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24 Mar 2023

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School Milestones Addon 70.10 KB

School Milestones Addon

18 Mar 2022

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