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85G Audio Explosion  

Upload: 06 Jun 2022, 11:31
Created by: RisingMidnight [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
85G Audio Explosion

Bring the concert home with the Audio Explosion! Featuring sound blasters so intense we had to cap them now peak, and a sound quality so sharp it could put titanium, this is the blistering edge of home entertainment technology. Your ears deserve the 85G.

There isn't much to say. It is simply a poor conversion of the 85g Audio Explosion radio from the Sims 3 to the Sims 4. The only reason I did this was because I wanted it, and also because no one else has done this specifically.

This conversion was done about a year ago? I just never released it, mainly because the textures as shown in the screenshots need to be redone. There is another thing, such as the shadows being a little funky, though it isn't too noticeable. Otherwise as long as the problems are overlooked, should be somewhat enjoyable.

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