Reapply To University Earlier
This mod allows reapplying to university earlier than as it's set up in the game (around 7 days of normal waiting).

Functional Slot Machine
Want your sims rich easy. Ok, using this slot machine and earn some simoleons. But not so fast because this slot machine have 4 difficulty like: - Begineer (cost §500) if your sim win, they gain §5000 simoleons. This option have %60 change of win.

Functional well by Ximera
The well has all the functions of a water collector. It also collects water and breaks in the same way, it can be improved. Unfortunately, it is impossible to collect water from it as from open water. This function is only for fishing signs, and unfortunately it is not suitable for a well.

New Mod: Improved Observant Trait
In base game sims with the “Observant” reward trait are really not that very “observant”, and they will only discover 3 traits after meeting another sim. Kind of disappointing. And it is even worse if you are using mods such as More traits in CAS by thepancake1 and MizoreYukii.