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Functional Condiments  

Upload: 09 Jun 2022, 11:14
Created by: Around the Sims [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Functional Condiments

Do you love to cook, but your dish lacks "pepper" and seems incomplete? Now your chefs will be able to use a wide variety of seasonings and spices for any and even the most sophisticated taste!

- Seasonings can be used for cooking and various dishes.
- And of course, with these spices, you can decorate not only your kitchen, but also a grocery store or even a stall where you will sell a variety of spices!
- If you use the Complete Cooking Overhaul mod by SrslySims, you can buy some ingredients there.
- After you open a package or bottle in the game, you will receive an ingredient that you can later use in SCCO recipes.

The mod includes the following spices:
- mustard, as well as barbecue mustard;
- olive oil;
- tahini;
- ketchup;
- chili sauce;
- white vinegar;
- rice vinegar;
- Apple vinegar;
- wine vinegar;
- malt vinegar;
- salt, as well as ground salt;
- spices;
- mayonnaise, as well as mayonnaise for barbecue;
- mustard;
- pepper, as well as ground pepper;
- canola oil;
- sunflower oil;
- sauce;
- Sesame oil;
- herbs;
- maggi.

Russian translation by Origamika: Download (GD)

Auto Employees | Custom Lot Trait

Auto Employees | Custom Lot Trait

08 Apr 2022
2 162

This Lot Traits spawns NPC if certain Objects are places on the Lot. Just one NPC of each kind gets spawned even if you have more than one Object of the same kind on the Lot (unless i wrote a max number below).

Plants Go Dormant in Winter Only

Plants Go Dormant in Winter Only

23 Mar 2022

Similar to the Sims 2 style, plants will only go dormant in winter with this mod, so your sims can harvest from spring to autumn. There's an separate package for the herbs in Granite Falls, which will not go dormant at all.

City Living Headwrap Hair Colour Enabler 4.58 MB

City Living Headwrap Hair Colour Enabler

07 May 2023

We all know the City Living headwraps that lock your Sims into having very dark brown hair, right? Well, thanks to how the new headscarf hat that came with Growing Together works I was able to create these default replacements that now allow them to correctly display your Sims' actual hair colour!

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