Better Ladders - Carry items & Climb faster
This tuning mod allows Sims to use ladders while carrying small items (books, dishes, trash bags, laundry, etc.). It also makes Sims climb roughly 50% faster. This value is a good compromise between speeding up the action and maintaining a realistic animation.

Harvestable fruit Olive
This tree is heat tolerant and will yield an extra crop during heat waves, but it doesn't do well with the cold and will go dormant if exposed to freezing temperatures.

Diva Trait
This sim is so full of themselves they don’t know whats stuck up their back side. They do know they are great and are proud of it. That’s what makes them divas.

NC4T Be A Burglar Mod
You like to play criminal Sims, but the Criminal career is not enough? You'd like your Sim to steal from strangers, but the Klepto trait doesn't quite offer what you want?