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Less Intrusive Conversations  

Upload: 16 Jun 2022, 14:56
Created by: TURBODRIVER [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Less Intrusive Conversations

Less Intrusive Conversations is a script that modifies Sims behavior of joining into ongoing conversations. Strangers should not be joining social groups without being explicitly invited and this mod aims to make that a reality. This mod does not prevent social groups from being formed and it does not prevent strangers from initiating conversations.

Rules of Less Intrusive Conversations:
Social Group is an ongoing conversation between two or more Sims.
The Combined Average Friendship is the total of friendship towards another Sim that is then divided by the number of Sims in a social group.

  • A Sim that has less than 25% of the combined average friendship towards all Sims in a social group will not be able to join that social group. In simple terms, a stranger is never allowed to join a conversation. Only Sims who know each other well enough can attempt to join a conversation.
  • A Social Group that has less than 25% of the combined average friendship towards another Sim will not be able to ask that Sim to join their social group. Additionally, this prevents Sims from stopping a conversation to talk to a stranger instead. In simple terms, an established social group will not be broken to talk to another Sim that is a stranger to that social group.
  • Sims with the combined average friendship that is higher than 25% towards a social group will attempt to join the conversation with a random chance that depends on the level of friendship. In simple terms, the higher the friendship, the higher the chance of a Sim joining a social group.
  • None of the above rules apply to conversations that only involve NPC Sims. Non-Playable Sims will continue having group conversations like usual.

Gameplay Misconceptions:

  • Mechanics related to joining social groups do not take account of pre-existing actions made by Sims. If a Sim decides to talk to someone right before that someone forms a social group, that Sim will automatically join the formed social group. This is a case where a conversation has just begun and the "joining" behavior is not being accounted for.
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04 Apr 2024
1 109

THIS MOD WILL MAKE YOU PLAY THE SIMS 4 FOR HOURS. I've been working on this mod so hard for so long, but it's finally finished. "No Exit Button" is a mod that removes any "Exit Game" buttons, so you're stuck with your fav game forever (or at least till you force close it).

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07 May 2023

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