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Functional Broom  

Upload: 25 Jun 2022, 10:21
Created by: MizoreYukii
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Functional Broom

This mod is a set of functional base game compatible brooms with converted custom animations that your Teen to Elder sims can use to sweep their house, and you do not need Bust the Dust to use this mod! I made two sets of interactions, one set is for BtD and the other BG, and the script that is included will check if you have the pack installed or not and apply the right interactions based on that.

  • BtD Owners: For those of you who own BtD, the brooms work similar to the vacuums and the interactions appear in the same spots. You will be able to clean the same objects/areas as you could with the upright/standing vacuum, and the interaction lengths are the same as the vacuum, other than the dust bunnies. For the dust bunnies, the interaction length is slightly longer than the vacuum's and dust bunnies do not acknowledge the broom. This may or may not change in the future. One of the vacuum specific moodlets has been cloned to show and mention sweeping instead.
  • BG Owners (aka not owning BtD): You have 3 interactions to use around the house, make sure you are standing inside the house to see them. The first is on the broom itself called "Sweep Around", once selected it allows your sim to randomly choose a nearby area to sweep. The second is on the floor itself called "Sweep Here", this allows you to control where the sim sweeps. The last one is just "Sweep" that appears on floor objects that can be cleaned (trash, poop, puddles, etc.), and once the interaction finishes the objects they were sweeping at, or nearby in the case of the other interactions, will disappear. There is a moodlet included as well.

Please note that you cannot sweep outside, just like the vacuums. I am taking feedback on this as well for those who do want to sweep outside.

Historical players: I also made an optional override for the Perfectionist Zeal buff icon and string that show/mention a vacuum. It is not needed for the broom to function, it's purely optional.

Broom Choices

I made three brooms for this mod that come in several colors, all originally by EA but modified for this mod. All three are base game compatible, Off the Grid, and can be found in "Misc Appliances" and "Off the Grid Misc", or by searching for "Broom" or my name (including "Mizzie"). These objects can be swiped/stolen if sims have that trait or spell, and can be found in dumpsters. When placing the brooms keep in mind that they must go on the wall, and they can also go into your inventory.

  • Medieval Broom - (Shown in the middle) Costs 100 simoleons; From The Sims Medieval and what originally inspired this project. This one is meant to clean slightly less efficient than the other two.
  • Modern Wooden Broom - (Brown broom on the left) Costs 200 simoleons; Originally from Laundry Day, split and adjusted for animation purposes.
  • Classic Wood Broom - (White and purple on the right) Costs 300 simoleons; Originally from Realm of Magic, adjusted for animation purposes.
Survivor House Mod 880.8 kB

Survivor House Mod

09 May 2022

This mod works like an event. It is better to build an appropriate dark area for this purpose. Schedule an event on your phone and select your character as well as other sims, BUT don't assign them the role of a maniac, the game will do everything for you.

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