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No React To Strangers Death  

Upload: 25 Jun 2022, 17:55
Created by: Zero [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
No React To Strangers Death

Your game characters will not react to the death of characters they have never met, as if it were the biggest tragedy in their lives. For death to elicit a reaction, your character will need to speak to the alleged dead at least once. Compatible with the Mortem mod from SimRealist.

No Servo Idle Animation 1 KB

No Servo Idle Animation

07 May 2022

Don't you hate it when you are playing with servos and you create one with the intent of being an actual robot with little to no expression? Well this mod removes the animations where the Servo Bot is idle and starts playing around with his arms or starts to act like as if he/she is doing the

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