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Functional Pool Slide converted from TS3  

Upload: 07 Jul 2022, 11:34
Created by: AlexCroft [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Functional Pool Slide converted from TS3

Can you imagine how cool it would be to slide down the water slide in the heat and dive right into the cool water of the pool?! Remember the Sims 3 had water slides, how did your Sims slide down them and have fun? Thanks to this mod, they will be added to The Sims 4!

- Now your pets can slide down the water slide.
- The slide is functional and accessible to all ages, except for toddlers.

Russian translation by Origamika: Download (VK) or Modsfire
Russian translation by SofiRing: Download

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Mod Décorateur

05 Jul 2022

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