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Trait - Depression 1.3  

Upload: 08 Jul 2022, 08:58
Created by: Eunola
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Trait - Depression 1.3

Whatever the world is, not everyone sees it as colorful and attractive. People suffering from depression find it unbearable to perform seemingly ordinary household chores, and a feeling of inexplicable sadness and apathy almost never leaves them. Others should remember that depression is not an ordinary seasonal blues, but a serious illness that requires treatment. However, sometimes simple heart-to-heart talks can help such characters somehow change their attitude to the world and drive away gloomy thoughts for a while. Characters with this character trait take everything closer to their hearts, because your every word will have an impact on them more than on other characters. Skills such as cooking, writing, playing musical instruments (and some others) increase a little faster, because they demand unity with themselves. Also, do not forget about the state of mind of your character when choosing his profession - this way an artist's career will become more successful for him than, for example, an athlete.

Requires The Mood Pack Mod

Russian translation by lada_gana : Download (simfileshare)

Psychic Mod v1.0

Psychic Mod v1.0

01 Apr 2022
2 273

With this mod, your characters will be able to receive psychic abilities as a gift from the spirit of the mysterious urn, which will allow them to feel and control other people's moods, make predictions and much more.

Possessive (Daddy) Trait

Possessive (Daddy) Trait

04 Jul 2022
2 294

You have one feature: you are prone to excessive possessiveness. You must control everyone around you! If people do not want to listen to you, the situation can escalate.

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