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Party Price Mod  

Upload: 09 Jul 2022, 07:54
Created by: crispytrees [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Party Price Mod

- Now your Sims will have a hard time getting married as the price of a wedding has increased from 1000 Simoleons to 10000 Simoleons! So think twice before you decide, or maybe you will change your mind altogether to avoid waste. Or, on the contrary, you want to earn money and strive to fulfill your dream.
- The house party price has also been increased from 100 Simoleons to 300 Simoleons.
- And the mountain expedition also became more expensive: from 200 to 500 simoleons. Well, you see, in such cases it is necessary to invest properly.

Toddler Milestone Fix: Numbers before Letters

Toddler Milestone Fix: Numbers before Letters

07 May 2023

There is currently an issue with the order in which toddler milestones need to be unlocked. The game places Letters (unlocked at Thinking lvl 5) before Numbers (unlocked at a lower level) which can lead to toddlers not being able to complete the Numbers milestone at all.

No Constant Phone

No Constant Phone

19 Jan 2023
1 131

I swore I would mod out the constant phone use the second I saw it on the livestream. Here it is! No Constant Phone disables phone use when routing, chatting, and watching.

Bipolar Trait Updated: 12-01-2023, 13:18

Bipolar Trait

12 Jan 2023
1 785

This new character trait will give your Sim the full experience of what Bipolar Disorder is all about. Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that causes extreme mood swings and changes, changes in energy and a person's ability to function, thereby disrupting their normal lifestyle.

Accomplished Lady Aspiration

Accomplished Lady Aspiration

24 Jun 2022

What constitutes an accomplished woman? During many historical eras, a woman was expected to have a thorough knowledge of music, singing, drawing, dancing, all the modern languages, and besides all this, she must possess a certain something in her air and manner of walking, the tone of her voice,

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