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Functional candy Dispenser with Edible Candies  

Upload: 11 Jul 2022, 13:41
Created by: icemunmun [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Functional candy Dispenser with Edible Candies

Special candy machine for Halloween! / Functional candy Dispenser with Edible Candies

Through a special device, your character will be able to buy real candies, as well as edible sugar skulls. Just what you need for Halloween!

  • A total of 10 sugar skulls and 10 candies, which will give a total of about 11 moodlets!
  • Toddlers can also interact with the device and eat sweets.
  • The candy machine has 3 different looks and 30 recolors.
  • Beware of eating too many sweets, otherwise your character will go to another world.
  • Your Sims will also be able to buy them via phone and computer with CCO from Srsly Sims!
  • Do not forget also, in addition to the main files, to download one of the dispensers.

Beware of eating too many sweets, otherwise your character will go to another world.

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