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Expanded Mermaids v2.0 (23.07.2023)  

Upload: 24 Mar 2022, 17:50
Last updated: 25-07-2023, 17:31
Created by: SpinningPlumbobs [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Expanded Mermaids v2.0 (23.07.2023)

A very extensive mod that expands the capabilities of mermaids and even adds a few extra species. Now your Sims can turn to the Sea Witch to grant their wishes, or they can learn Sea Enchantments themselves with the help of Poseidon's Grimoire! The mod introduces a new kind of supernatural creatures - kelpies, which have their own special abilities. Compatible with siren mod.

New Ocean Interactions

I've added a few more interactions, including "Dive for Kelp" and "Fetch Fish". With these, your sim will dive below the surface briefly and return with a piece of Reef Kelp, which your mermaids can eat, or they'll get a random type of fish. These can be repeated as many times as you wish.

The most important addition is the "Dive Deeper" interaction. When your mermaid sim reaches level 5 Fitness skill, they will unlock this interaction and be able to dive down to the darker depths of the ocean to catch more exotic types of fish such as electric eels and anglerfish! They may also find some other interesting items on their journey...

Mermaids can also sleep underwater now! It works like the EA sleep interaction, but your sim will dive below the surface.


Mermaids aren't the only creatures inhabiting the water anymore... Kelpies are shapeshifting sea monsters that can disguise themselves as humans! There are a variety of ways to turn a sim into a Kelpie, but the best way is to find a piece of kelp while diving in the deep ocean... Unfortunately, their Kelpie form isn't customizeable, but they have a few interesting abilities such as bioluminescence and a shocking touch similar to an electric eel. They can hide among humans, but they can only stay disguised for so long before they lose control and transform against their will. They can only turn into their Kelpie form at night, so be sure to keep their Shapeshifting Power charged!

Sea Witches

Last but not least, my favorite addition: Sea Witches!

Another special item that can be found while exploring the deep sea is Poseidon's Grimoire. This special book contains magic from the Greek god of the sea! When a mermaid or a Child of the Ocean reads this spellbook, they unlock the Sea Sorcery skill, which allows them to cast a variety of spells related to water, the ocean, mermaids, and even a few things just related to the supernatural in general. Most of these powers can be learned individually through studying the grimoire and include spells like summoning lightning, water manipulation, and even teleportation!

At level 5 of the Sea Sorcery Skill, your sims will be able to learn how to bind contracts with other sims and perform certain spells on them in exchange for money or other valuable assets... For example, you might offer to fulfill a sim's wish by turning them into a human, but they will have to give up their ability to love and form romantic relationships. It seems harsh, but life's full of tough choices, isn't it? Each spell and subsequent payment is interchangeable and up to the player to decide. But, if you're feeling generous, you can simply choose to release them from the contract as well.

Each spell costs your Sea Witch their Aquatic Energy, a special need that can be replenished by swimming in the sea or meditating beneath the moon.

Wear Uniforms! v2b 176.21 KB

Wear Uniforms! v2b

19 Apr 2022
1 141

'Put on the Uniform!' is a mod that allows Sims to dress up in a huge variety of outfits with great convenience. These outfits include many types of situational uniforms related to outfit skills, clothes purchased from market stalls, and more.

Eat at tables 2 КB

Eat at tables

24 Mar 2022
1 667

With this mod, your Sims will prefer to eat at table, so they'll either sit in a dining chair or a bar stool if there's no chair available. If they're watching TV while eating, they'll still sit on sofas or armchairs.

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