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Home at 2 PM for teens. All grades.  

Upload: 27 Jul 2022, 05:08
Created by: Zafire [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Home at 2 PM for teens. All grades.
Update for Patch 1.90.358.1030 (High School Years) Please redownload!


So teens have always gotten home at different times in the previous games. Sims 2 it was 1 PM, in Sims 3 it was 2 PM. Now its 3 PM.

I quite liked how they got home at around 2 PM, gave them time to chill a bit before part time job or afterschool activates and it wasn't too early, so I made a mod that makes that possible, so now they get home at 2 PM instead of 3 PM. They still have to go to school at 8 am, so no excuse for partying hard at night!

Children are unaffected by this.

None! It only needs the Base Game.

Download the file -> Unzip it -> Place Earlierhomefromschoolteen (creative I know) into your mod folder and that's it!

It MIGHT work fine with other school mods as long as they don't change the time. However, I can't guarantee it. You might end up with having this or the other mod overwriting one another.

Sims 4 Studio.

More info
While I will make sure that the important updates are announced here as well regarding to the mod, I do have a Patreon where I post things like WIP, or if any upcoming issues/update on mods are coming soon. Of course once it is released I WILL update here as well.
Everything on my patreon is 100% free and will remain so. Patreon

Lily-Valley - Librarian Career 666.6 kB

Lily-Valley - Librarian Career

26 Jul 2023
1 255

A Librarian Career with two tracks - Academic Librarian and Archvist. I’ve used some really beautiful Library CC builds for my promo pics for the career behind my sim - full credit to the owners. I’ve linked their lovely Library builds below - go and check them out!

Suave Kiss

Suave Kiss

21 Mar 2023
1 431

So my absolute favorite kiss animation/interaction in the game is "Suave Kiss" but it's locked to being confident. So I removed that. Now you can be a gentleman or woman and impress your date with a fancy romantic hand kiss without needing to be confident.

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