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Eco-Friendly / Industry-Driven Mod (Run For Mayor Aspirations)  

Upload: 27 Jul 2022, 07:27
Created by: MapleDaFlap [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Eco-Friendly / Industry-Driven Mod (Run For Mayor Aspirations)

★ New ★
- A pre-made Industrial Goods Market venue to try the event on.

★ UPCOMING ★ | A separate Industrial mod version with a black & brown +glasses outfit whitelist for market visitors for Industrial Goods Market events.

★ UPCOMING ★ | Two new mods!
- Better Funerals (Has been uploaded and is currently being processed)
- Puppet Theatre For All Ages (Has been uploaded and is currently being processed)

Mod description

Always wanted More purposeful Sims and Reputation in your game, Collective ecology maintenance/ Industrial production and Collectively funded venue construction in your game? With this mod you get to fix your polluted, stressful or boring neighborhood that negatively affects job performance, relationship building and your neighbors' posture with the base mod. With the industrial mod you get to start and run your own (heavy) industrial business and sell your goods among competitors, even though some sims will not like to see your face on their venue as a consequence of your immoral practices if your sim is a baddy.

Current Features

New lot challenge: 'Horrid Environment'
A custom lot challenge called 'Horrid Environment'. The buffs it occasionally gives to Sims creates social-economic issues your Sim has to solve: a low mood slows down career performance, negatively affects interaction outcomes, creates a higher relationship building difficulty and gives your neighbors poor posture. The Horrid Environment lot challenge adds the following random buffs to a venue:

Sad +2 | From Boring Neighborhood. (Going to work sounds quite fun actually.)
Tense +2 | From Noisy Neighborhood. (Where does that light and low, mechanical sound come from?)
Angry +1 | From Polluted Neighbourhood. (I. cannot.. breathe...)

New lot challenge: 'Caused By My Practices' (Industrial mod)
With this lot challenge, you will be held responsible for your shady business practices and have your reputation damaged by showing your face near suspecting sims. You better hide if you are up to no good!

Reputation -2 | Sims on this venue suffer from your practices and find you suspicious. Showing your face near them will damage your reputation so you better hide!

***Because of the game's design, the associated buff cannot always be in effect. The buff disappears when going to and coming back from work and when wandering into the public space (non-venues). Make sure to step on and off the venue with or without the lot challenge to re-add or remove the buffs. Especially when you add the challenge to your residential venue.***

New Social Events

Fundraiser Party & Grand Opening Party
- With a pristine reputation, you can host a goaled Fundraiser Party that rewards your sims with the funds afterwards. Make sure to minimize rejections so your sims won't be left embarrassed after failing the event. Rewards: Gold §10000 | Silver §5000 | Bronze §0
- Build gorgeous venues with the donations and host a Grand Opening Party to top it off! Try to give a perfect speech on any non-residential and non-rental venue (you already have House Parties for those)!

Industrial Goods Market (Industrial mod)
Pssst! Remember the tricks from the South Side Bridge folk? Go the Flea Market or... you can take your business to venues where shady Industrial Goods Market events take place if you have an Atrocious reputation. Even more profitable than Fundraiser parties, let me tell you!
1) Sell your goods to market visitors at a sales table.
2) Roast the Formidable Competitor (I just call her Chris) with a microphone.
3) Launch Fireworks to keep customers away from your competitor's tables
4) Gamble With CardsGossip about competitors and Rummage trash cans for sellable parts.
5) Spray Graffiti Tags or Trade a Modified Frog to sabotage competitors.
6) Earn big bucks from customers if you are successful: Gold §15000 | Silver §7500 | Bad Buff (Bronze).

New Aspiration Reward

Mayorworthy trait
"With your sense of responsibility, you are truly worthy of this title! Your reputation will now change more drastically. You may now put 'Mayor' in your first name in CAS."

Enhanced Gameplay with Aspiration

Politics Career, Get Famous & Get to Work
- Protest on the streets and reach out to your neighbors. Why not invite like-minded sims to your upcoming Gardening, Conservation or anti-Lab Pet Rebellion club?

- Host perfect Fundraiser Parties (mod exclusive!) and earn the raised funds afterwards in contrast to Charity Benefit parties. Host perfect Grand Opening Parties to celebrate the opening of every new venue in the neighborhood.

- Some objectives require you to use the collected donations. Make sure your sims has sufficient business funds for the fresh new (retail) venue they will build/spend the donated simoleons on. The fund objectives are based on the average cost of pre-built venues from the gallery. You can convert the retail venue type to the appropiate venue type after completing these objectives.

Eco Lifestyle, Get Together, Seasons & My First Pet
-Get rid of the polluted air! Build and maintain a community garden, conserve animals or release them from test labs with a club. Make sure to convince your neighbors to vote for Eco-Friendly friendly N.A.P.'s or collect signatures to repeal Industrial ones!

- Choose how you want to be eco-friendly with your club.
Start club gatherings on non-residential and non-rental venues to actively involve citizens with your eco-friendly cause.
- Tend Garden: water, weed or fertilize plants.
- Bee Box: pollinate plants or teach sims a lesson by impressing or attacking them with a swarm of bees.
- Fish /Insects /Frogs Conservation: catch them and conserve them in glass enclosures. Why not display them in an educative museum?
- Insect Farm: use insects to create insect bio-fuel.
- Rodents: take care of them or release test lab ones.
- Recycler Machine: recycle and upgrade the machine.
- Herbalism: brew biological herbal remedies.

Industry-driven Mayor aspiration track add-on
Write and send your first Business Plan to investors via the mailbox and complete Industry-Driven objectives with a club or business by using:
Rocket Ships, a Vet Medicine Station, Market Table, Rodent Cages,
Campfires, the Weather Station, Cauldron, Chemical Analyser, the Robotics Workstation, Artifacts, the Chemistry Lab,
Microscope, Fabricator, Invention Machine, Observatory and the Cloning machine.

Interior Decorator and Artist Careers
- Why not involve your local Interior Decorators and crafty artists (through gifting or the Flea Market) in creating the most fabulous community venues?

Great additions to this mod (not included)

Basemental Eco Hacks Mod
To instantly pollute your neighborhoods with.

Simrealist's SimNationalBankFinancialCenter Mod
Open a bank account and make use of the mod's loan system. One can also transfer funds from other households to the bank account of the played household, as if you were collecting taxes.


Industrial Goods Market | Contains the Industrial Goods Market venue one can try the Industrial mod on. Look for the image that displays which packs have been used. Many pack objects placed on the sales tables are negligible. | Requires the latest version of the base mod. Contains the Industrial aspiration, the Industrial Goods Market event and the Caused By My Practices lot challenge. | Latest version of the base mod. Contains the Eco-Friendly aspiration, the Fundraiser Party and Grand Opening Party events, also the Horrid Environment lot challenge.

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