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Grab Bubble Tea from Fridge Mod  

Upload: 17 Aug 2022, 10:44
Created by: claudiasharon [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Grab Bubble Tea from Fridge Mod

Hello everyone! In addition to my grab ice cream from fridge mod I made (soon to be uploaded here), when High School Years came out I decided I wanted the same functionality with the bubble tea. I love bubble tea in real life, and you can make it from home, so why not in the sims as well? This mod allows you to have bubble tea from the fridge, pick the tea you want for a small price, and then drink it! This way you do not always have to go to Copperdale to get your bubble tea fix. Yay!

This mod is all custom and does not override any resources, so you do not need to worry about conflicts!

Also, this was made on patch 1.90 and REQUIRES the XML Injector mod by Scumbumbo maintained by Triplis. Without that mod, I would have had to make my own script for it, so I recommend getting the XML Injector not only for my mods but for any other people who use it! It is such a great resource.

The Personality Mod 62 KB

The Personality Mod

06 Apr 2022
1 884

The Personality Mod adds 6 reward traits to the Reward Store. Each of these traits are inspired by the six Aspirations from Sims 2: Family, Fortune, Knowledge, Pleasure, Popularity and Romance.

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