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Star Trek Drinks  

Upload: 07 Sep 2022, 11:19
Created by: Sandy [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Star Trek Drinks

I've remade all my decorative teapots as functional teapots, offering a tea in a cup matching with the teapot (except for the elephant one, based on my very own teapot and mistmached mugs!). With these teapots, you can serve one, two or four/six cups of tea, depending of the size of the teapot.
Spa game pack might be required, but I'm not sure of that! It does not require My Wedding Stuff, as it's not related to that stuff pack tea set (that I can't even clone and get functional)

Warning: you can NOT change the color of the teapot with the Recolor tool, you have to buy another teapot; I gathered all the color variations under a same catalog entry, but the game considers each color as a different object (calling different tea cups, etc...)

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No Visible Eco Effects

No Visible Eco Effects

23 Mar 2022

Unfortunately, the eco sunrays and aurora borealis are completly broken at the moment and cause severe lag. That's why I finally decided to completely disable those effects.

Health Life 2.0 7 KB

Health Life 2.0

17 Apr 2022
1 556

This mod expands the health system of the characters. At the moment, he adds anxiety to the game. The mod is still under development, the creator promises to add several global functions and many new diseases.

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