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Break Up Whim / Want Fix  

Upload: 13 Sep 2022, 10:21
Created by: TearsofTyr [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Break Up Whim / Want Fix

With this mod, Sims will NOT get break up whim unless their romance score is less than -10 .

Maxis coders made a mistake in their work, so sims who do not have family oriented trait will soon or later get break up whim if they are in relationship for a long time, even when the couples are soulmates.

Unlocked Apartment Traits & Objects 338.0 KB

Unlocked Apartment Traits & Objects

23 Oct 2023
1 161

The mod unlocks every single locked Lot Trait in the City Living expansion pack for you to place on other lots. This mod also contains a fix for the vent that is supposed to have goo puddles ooze out of it, but used to be broken in vanilla game.

Road to Romance v1.1

Road to Romance v1.1

18 Mar 2022
4 963

Coming in a future update: "Ask to Go to Bed Together" (for couples to go to sleep at the same time!), a new kiss interaction. Update notes: v1.1 - now with a new mood, "Affectionate"! + 5 extra interactions + some little oversights have been fixed.

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