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Core Harvestables  

Upload: 22 Sep 2022, 13:36
Created by: brazenlotus [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Core Harvestables

Core Mod/Module

This mod is required for my Harvestables to work. This file contains tunings and meshes that are shared across multiple harvestables.

Van Helsim Aspiration

Van Helsim Aspiration

10 Jul 2022

Basically, the game lets you create the cure once you've reached Vampire Lore level 15. This aspiration incorporates that, while also giving you the opportunity to become Vampyre, for how can one truly understand unless one becomes that which they despise?

Toddler Conversation Expander 96.5 kB

Toddler Conversation Expander

21 Mar 2023

Ever wondered what your toddlers favorite color is? Well, now you can find out! There are a ton of responses added to the toddler interactions and even some new ones! I also added some new moodlets to give even more personality to your little ones!

Honey Brick Toast

Honey Brick Toast

05 Jul 2022

Added a new recipe - Honey Toast. This is a popular Korean dessert and an easy and quick way to get fat! Honey and butter will turn an ordinary piece of bread into the most delicate dessert. It's easy to make and incredibly delicious. It's impossible to get away from him!

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