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Harry Potter Mod Pack (Part 2 of 3 Harry Potter CC packs)  

Upload: 30 Mar 2022, 11:08
Created by: brittpinkiesims
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Harry Potter Mod Pack (Part 2 of 3 Harry Potter CC packs)

Harry Potter Mod pack for The Sims 4

• Mod for traits (4 traits corresponding to the houses of Hogwarts) + 16 corresponding moodlets.
• 16 club icons (for the Let's Get Together add-on).
• 400+ default magic surnames (replaces standard surnames in the game).

I know you've all been waiting for a long time, but I can finally say that it's all done: the Harry Potter mod pack! This pack is all about game mods; things that will change / change your game. The pack includes three mods: 4 custom traits (depending on each of the Hogwarts houses) + 16 custom buffs/moods, 16 Together club badges, and over 400 name overrides so your townspeople will have "magic" last names!

Traits are based on each of the 4 Hogwarts houses; Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. Each trait has its own icon (not the generic one from the game!).  

There are 8 additional buffs (moods) that any Sim with a non-standard Hogwarts Trait can receive while playing. 4 of them have a positive effect and highlight positive moods (inspired, playful, happy, flirty), and 4 are negative (tense, embarrassed, overwhelmed and uncomfortable). All moods are triggered either randomly or after certain in-game actions/moods. They are all named after or inspired by things from the Harry Potter universe (i.e. spells, potions, places, etc.).

Functional sorting hat:
The Functional Sorting Hat is a clone of the sorting hat sculpture I included with Hogwarts Stuff. You can have both versions in your game at the same time. The functional hat gives you the option to click on it and sort into one of the 4 Hogwarts houses. Obviously you must have traits in the game for the hat to work. There is also an interaction that will let you hear one of the Sorting Hat songs from the books :)

Traits are chosen and assigned to your Sims randomly. If you're unhappy with the trait you get, you can remove it by enabling test cheats (open the cheat console by pressing "ctrl+shift+c" and then typing "testcheats on") and then typing "traits". remove_trait [insert trait name]" (i.e. "traits.remove_trait Gryffindor").  

In order for this mod to work, I've included a "bps more traits tuning.package" file, which is an override that allows your Sims to have more than the default amount of personality traits. This override allows young adults, adults, and elders to have 5 traits (so you could theoretically sort them twice and get two new traits), children to have 3 (up from 1), and teens to have 4 (up from 2). If you already have a Mod that expands the number of Traits you can have (eg More CAS Traits on the Sims Mod), feel free to delete this file.

Plan Career Outfit

Plan Career Outfit

07 Jul 2022

This mod will add a new career outfit interaction plan to all mirrors, chests of drawers and collection cabinets. It will also be added to any other object that already has the Change Sim interaction, so this means it will automatically work for custom content creation as well.

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