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Become a Sorcerer 4.0.3b: Reality Arts  

Upload: 30 Mar 2022, 11:16
Created by: Triplis [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Become a Sorcerer 4.0.3b: Reality Arts

Investigate a Suspicious Lump of Clay to get infused with magic, choose a ritual to specialize, then use Specialization spells, focus on an alignment, and unlock more spells! Become a master of Specializations, along with mastery of the Black Arts or White Arts and specialize further with a ritual of your choice.



To obtain the Sorcerer Trait on a particular sim, you need to go into Build Mode and place a Suspicious Lump of Clay anywhere on the Lot (this is a variation on the Lump of Clay added through the mod).

The Suspicious Lump of Clay has one interaction on it: Investigate Object. The tooltip says the consequences of investigating may be permanent, but with 2.0 and beyond, you can remove the trait using the Suspicious Lump of Clay.

When the interaction completes, your sim will now have a new hidden trait and a Spells menu with a toggle "Show/Hide Magical Energy Tingles," even if they are as young as Toddler. Toddler and older can get the trait, but Toddlers and Child sims have a different (and very limited) experience. Teen or older gets access to all the main features of the trait.

See the Toddler and Child sections respectively for information on how the trait works for them. The rest of the mod info will be based on sims who are Teen or older.

Now that you have the trait, clicking on your Sim will reveal a new menu called Spells. Under Spells, you'll see a menu called "Meditate on the Spirit of Llamadeus..." Under this menu, you'll see three interactions: Ritual of Digestive Control, Ritual of Runner's Vigor, and Ritual of Forced Isolation. Hovering over each tells you what it gives you, uniquely.

You can only complete one Ritual and it will define what flavor of Sorcerer you end up with, in terms of Needs. Every type gets two new Needs called Magical Connection and Alignment. These two Needs replace two of the six default Needs. The rituals and traits are as follows:

  • Ritual of Digestive Control gives a trait called Iron Insides. With Iron Insides, Bladder and Hunger are replaced by Magical Connection and Alignment.
  • Ritual of Runner's Vigor gives a trait called Never Bedheader. With Never Bedheader, Hygiene and Energy are replaced by Magical Connection and Alignment. [To avoid some weird bugs, Hygiene decays very slowly instead of being locked at max. I may explore an alternative to this in the future.]
  • Ritual of Forced Isolation gives a trait called Sociolite. With Sociolite, Fun and Social are replaced by Magical Connection and Alignment.

Once you've chosen a Ritual and completed it, your sim can begin being a Sorcerer!


Instead of one of the three rituals named in the previous section, you can instead choose Ritual of Neutrality. This option will add Magical Connection and Alignment, but they'll be pushed down out of view and locked in place (Magical Connection locked at full and Alignment locked at a neutral, middle level, something like 0). You will still be able to pursue the Dark and Light skills, just without any managing of the Magical Connection Need or impact from alignment going light or dark. You won't be able to do the Dark and Light alignment lock rituals if you go this route, but you can do a "Balanced" ritual that becomes available when you've maxed light and dark skill, and light and dark specializations.

This option can be used by Plant Sims and Vampires, as well as normal Sims. If you do a supernatural, make sure you do it in the order of becoming the supernatural then doing Ritual of Neutrality. Otherwise, you may see some weird, undefined behavior with the sorting of the Needs in the UI.


If you want to be a Sorcerer and a Spellcaster (from Realm of Magic) at the same time, you can use the Ritual of Neutrality with the little tome icon from Realm of Magic. This will NOT give you Magical Connection or Alignment, but you will still be able to pursue the Dark and Light skills, just without any managing of the Magical Connection Need or impact from alignment going light or dark. You won't be able to do the Dark and Light alignment lock rituals if you go this route, but you can do a "Balanced" ritual that becomes available when you've maxed light and dark skill, and all light and dark specializations.

As with other supernatural sims, the reason for this just has to do Needs in the UI and managing the compatibility of them.


Alignment functions similarly to the Vampire Energy Need. It doesn't decay and it only changes based on casting Spells. Each time a Light or Dark spell is cast, Alignment increases by 10 points (Light) or decreases by 10 points (Dark), impacting your experience as a Sorcerer.

Alignment impacts how fast you gain Light/Dark skill and how fast you make friends/enemies with other Sims.

Spells cost 5 Magical Connection by default. As you progress in Alignment, spells go up in cost for the opposing side. It progresses at a rate of +2 cost for every 10 Alignment. For example, if you reach -50 Dark Alignment, that's 2x5=10. So now if you cast a Light Spell, it will cost 5+10=15 Magical Connection. At -100 Dark Alignment, a Light Spell will cost a total of 25 Magical Connection.

If you use an Alignment-Lock Ritual (see the section Mastery for details), your spell cost for that Alignment is now 0. For example, if you reach Max Dark Alignment, Level 10 Black Arts skill, and use the Ritual of Eternity, casting Dark Spells will now cost 0 Magical Connection. Light Spells, on the other hand, will have another +25 cost, totaling it to 50 Magical Connection for each Light Spell.


If you have Get Famous, performing alignment-oriented spells in public will affect your reputation. Light spells will give Good reputation and Dark spells will give Bad reputation.

Mischief Arts will give some Bad reputation, with the amount depending on whether the spell is Single-target (small), Burst (medium), or Mass (large). See the Spells Mischief section for details on the ways that high Skill Mischief Arts Sorcerers can impact their reputation loss.

As of V2-5-0, you can gain a very small, not very noticeable amount of fame through spells in some very specific circumstances. If you target a Sim in public who is 2 or more fame levels higher than you with a spell (White Arts, Black Arts, Mischief Arts) you should get a little bit of fame. This was only implemented for spells where you are targeting another Sim with a spell by clicking on them. Picker interactions and other types don't have any such fame integration at this time.


Unlike Alignment, Magical Connection works more or less like a normal Need, with some consequences for letting it get too low. When it gets moderately low, you get a +3 Dazed Moodlet. When it reaches rock bottom, you get a +40 Dazed Moodlet. And if it gets too low, you won't be able to cast most spells. Like Vampire Power, Magical Connection is the "power cost" Need. Casting a spell costs you Magical Connection.

To fill the Magical Connection Need, you can use Practice (click on your Sim and find Practice under Black Arts or White Arts). Later on in Specializations Spells, you'll have an alternative way for each Specialization to refill Magical Connection. They are: Domination = "Drain Needs (Instant)", Destruction = "Show Reaper Garb (gain Magical Connection passively over time)", Greed = "Enchant to Steal Money from Vault", Empowerment = "Sacrifice Needs (Instant)", Deification = "Lock Magical Connection", Creation = "Instant Ready to Evolve"

Note that Magical Connection only goes down from using Spells (doesn't decay naturally on its own). This was changed in version 3.0 to accommodate the greatly increased number of possible spells to unlock or use.


  • Light and Dark spellcasting is now centered around 6 Specializations, 3 for each Alignment.
  • Rather than being visible skills, Specializations operate in "ranks" and they can decay (but very slowly). After 2 sim days of no usage, you'll get a warning that your Specialization is going to start decaying soon. 2 sim hours after that, it will begin decaying. To give you a sense of the decay speed, if you were at the cap of XP in a Specialization, it would take about 9 sim days (including the time it takes for the decay to start) to go from capped XP to 0. To reset the decay to another 2 sim days before starting to decay, all you have to do is use a spell that belongs to the Specialization in question.
  • When you click on your sim, under each Specialization in its pie menu, you'll see an interaction that says "Current Rank: X", where X is the rank you are at. For example, at the beginning, it will say "Current Rank: None." After obtaining the first rank, it will say "Current Rank: Student" and so on. If you click on this interaction, it will trigger a notification that tells you a few things about your rank: How much XP you have, how much XP you need to have to retain your current rank, and how much XP you need to reach the next rank. Despite Specializations not being visible in the UI, I wanted to make sure you can manage them nonetheless and this was an important part of that.
  • Every time you cast a spell, you will get XP relating to the Specialization menu it was found under. For example, casting Enchant to Kneel, under the Domination menu, will give you Domination XP. As you reach new ranks of a Specialization, you'll unlock more spells. The amount of XP needed for each rank goes up some as you progress, but you can also get more XP from spells as you increase your Black/White Arts Skill. If you want to subvert the XP and/or decay system entirely, you can (with testingcheats enabled) shift-click on your sim and use a variety of Cheats under the "Spells (Cheat)" menu.


Note that when I say "Rank 1" for spells, technically, these spells are available at Rank 0 (the one that shows up as "Current Rank: None"). I list them as Rank 1 because they are what you will be notified about the first time you rank up and you only need to cast one spell in a Specialization to reach Rank 1.


Rank 1

  • Drain Needs (bonded): Drain a sim's needs over time, filling up your own. You can drain any of the six default needs (Fun, Social, Hunger, Bladder, Hygiene, and Energy). Target can be Teen and up.
  • Enchant to Kneel (targeting a sim or targeting the ground): Target will kneel in place if targeting a sim, or go to the place you clicked on and kneel there if you targeted the ground. Target can be Child and up.
  • Enchant to Lie Here (targeting a bed): The chosen sim will relax on the bed. Target can be Child and up.
  • Enchant to Sit Here (targeting a couch, chair, bench): The chosen sim will sit down on the chosen place. For the most part, you should still be able to socialize with the target while they are in this state. Target can be Toddler and up.

Rank 2

  • Induce Panic (targeting a sim): The target will panic in place, slowly losing energy. Target can be Child and up.
  • Induce Panic About Object (targeting an object): The chosen sim will panic about the object, blocking anyone from using it for the duration. Target can be Child and up.
  • Induce Panic About Sim (targeting a sim): The chosen sim will panic about the targeted sim for about one sim hour, causing the targeted sim to lose relationship with nearby sims periodically for the duration.
  • Induce Panic (available on the Piano with Piano skill 10): Plays a song, nearby sims will panic while it's playing and eventually pass out.

Rank 3

  • Lull to Sleep (targeting a sim): Target will fall asleep in place. Target can be Toddler and up.
  • Lull to Sleep (targeting a bed): Target will go to sleep in the bed, uninterrupted by most causes while sleeping. Target can be Child and up.

Rank 4

  • Enchant to Play (targeting a sim): Target will go do something Fun, if there is something Fun nearby that they can do. Target can be Teen and up.
  • Enchant to Shower (targeting a sim): Target will go shower or bathe. Must be a shower or bath on the lot, for you to be able to use this ability. Target can be Teen and up.
  • Enchant to Eat (targeting a sim): Target will go find/make something to eat. Must be a fridge/oven/counter available on the lot for you to be able to use this ability. Target can be Teen and up.
  • Enchant to Pee (targeting a sim): Target will go use the toilet. Must be a toilet available on the lot for you to be able to use this ability. Target can be Teen and up.
  • Enchant to Sleep (targeting a sim): Target will go to sleep (regular sleep, not like Lull to Sleep). Must be a bed available on the lot for you to be able to use this ability. Target can be Teen and up.

Rank 5

  • Drain Needs (instant): Drain a sim's needs instantly, filling up your own and refilling Magical Connection. You can drain any of the six default needs (Fun, Social, Hunger, Bladder, Hygiene, and Energy). Target can be Teen and up.
  • Subjugate (targeting a sim): Creates a special relationship between the sorcerer and target. With this relationship active, the sorcerer can now dominate the target even further with the following abilities. Target can be Teen and up.
  • Subjugated Sim, Change Personality (targeting a subjugated sim): Brings up a window to change the target's personality traits. (Note: You can use this on Teen or older if they are a played sim and Young Adult or older if they are an NPC. This is to avoid an LE error / failure of the interaction, due to some sort of limitation of the personality change tuning that I didn't want to spend a ton of time trying and failing to address. I may see if there's a way around it in the future.)
  • Subjugated Sim, Change Name (targeting a subjugated sim): Brings up a window to change the target's name. (Credit and a big thank you to Scumbumbo for creating the script that enabled me to do this and for giving me permission to use it.)


Rank 1

  • Induce Anger, Induce Sadness, Induce Discomfort, Induce Fear (targeting a sim): Gives the target a very strong negative moodlet of the type you chose (Angry, Sad, Uncomfortable, or Scared). Target can be Toddler and up, excepting for Uncomfortable (toddlers are excluded from Uncomfortable buffs normally).
  • Suppress Sadness, Suppress Anger, Suppress Discomfort (targeting yourself): The mood you chose will be excluded from possible mood types while this is active. Note that a few moodlets may leak through under special circumstances, but most should be excluded.

Rank 2

  • Set on Fire (ground, sim, chair, table): Target is set on fire. If a sim, target can be Teen and up.

Rank 3

  • Destroy Object (targeting an object): Destroys the object completely. Many objects are included here (can provide a comprehensive list if needed).
  • Break Objects in Range (area of effect): Most objects in range that can break will break. This excludes things like unbreakable objects.
  • Block/Unblock Positive Moods (targeting a sim): All positive mood types will be excluded for the target. Note that a few moodlets may leak through under special circumstances, but most should be excluded.

Rank 4

  • Reduce Age Stage (targeting a sim): Decreases the target's age stage (ex: Child to Toddler). You cannot reduce past Toddler.
  • Increase Age Stage (targeting a sim): Increases the target's age stage (ex: from Toddler to Child). You cannot increase past Elder.

Rank 5

  • Create Fire Dancer (targeting a sim): Lock the target into a deadly fire "dance" of panic... for the rest of their life. Target can be Teen and up.
  • Create Lightning Rod (targeting a sim): Call forth lighting to end the target's poor sim existence. Target can be Teen and up.
  • Create Whirlpool (targeting a sim): Create a hideously magical drowning puddle of water that the target will... well, die in. Target can be Teen and up.
  • Kiss of Death (targeting a sim): Kiss the target on the hand, ending their life. Target can be Teen and up.
  • Erase Life (targeting a sim): Unlike other death spells, no one will react to it having happened. They may react to Grim showing up, but that's it. Target can be Teen and up.
  • Show/Hide Reaper Garb (targeting yourself): Toggles on the appearance of the Grim Reaper. A somewhat darker colored Grim Reaper robes and hood because I thought the existing one was too gray and not dark enough. You will also periodically gain Magical Connection over time, refilling it.


Rank 1

  • Siphon Joy Into Wealth (targeting a sim): Target a sim who is happy and periodically drain happy moodlets, while gaining ticks of money. Target can be Teen and up.
  • Siphon Wealth from Object (targeting an object): Destroys the object and gives the caster some simoleons.
  • Siphoning Introduction (targeting a sim): Introduces the caster to the target and gets some simoleons in the process. Target can be Teen and up.

Rank 2

  • Wipe Relationship Tabula Rasa [Full], Wipe Romance, Wipe Friendship (targeting a sim): Wipe's the casters relationship with the target in the chosen way. Target can be Toddler and up.

Rank 3

  • Aura of Glamour (targeting yourself, pick a sim to apply to): Gives the picked sim greatly improved success with romance. Picked sim can be Teen and up.
  • Aura of Greed (targeting yourself): Sims nearby may come to you and "shower" you with money, increasing your simoleons and boosting your Hygiene in the process.
  • Aura of Forgery (targeting yourself): Boosts simeolon gain from Greed spells while active.

Rank 4

  • Enchant to Fight (targeting a sim): Pick a sim for the target to fight with. As you can imagine, it will damage whatever existing friendship they may have. Caster gets some simoleons in the process. Target can be Teen and up.
  • Enchant to Break Up (targeting a sim): Target's Significant Other must be on the lot for this to work. Causes the target to break up with their partner. Caster gets some simoleons in the process. Target can be Teen and up.

Rank 5

  • Enchant to Steal Money from Vault (targeting a sim): Target goes into a rabbit hole interaction, returns with simoleons for you when they are finished with a somewhat randomized amount. Note that reloading or switching lots while they are doing the rabbit hole interaction will likely mess up the target's ability to end the interaction as intended and pay you. It lasts 90-150 sim minutes. Refills Magical Connection.


Rank 1

  • Sacrifice Needs (bonded): Sacrifice one of your needs to another sim over time. You can sacrifice any of the six default needs (Fun, Social, Hunger, Bladder, Hygiene, and Energy). Target can be Toddler and up.
  • Cathartic Healing (targeting a sim): Target another sim who is Sad when you are also Sad and lower Sad moodlets on both Sims over time. Target can be Toddler and up.
  • Heal Sickness (targeting a sim): Heals sickness if you have GTW and the target sim is sick. Target can be Teen and up.
  • Heal Workout Fatigue (targeting a sim): Heals fatigue on the targeted sim and prompts them to do a workout if something is available to do one on. Target can be Teen and up.

Rank 2

  • Simoleon Sacrifice (targeting yourself): Radiates out a special Happy buff for the duration that makes sims more likely to hug each other; lose 1,000 Simoleons at the end. Recipients of the buff can be Toddler and up.
  • Transform Weight, Give Fat (targeting a sim): Periodically lose Fat while the target gains Fat; can be canceled early by clicking on the interaction to cancel (otherwise, the spell continues until you have no more Fat). Target can be Teen and up.
  • Transform Weight, Take Fat (targeting a sim): Periodically gain Fat while the target loses Fat; can be canceled early by clicking on the interaction to cancel (otherwise, the spell continues until the target has no more Fat). Target can be Teen and up.
  • Transform Muscle, Give Muscle (targeting a sim): Periodically lose Muscle while the target gains Muscle; can be canceled early by clicking on the interaction to cancel (otherwise, the spell continues until you have no more Muscle). Target can be Teen and up.
  • Transform Muscle, Take Muscle (targeting a sim): Periodically gain Muscle while the target loses Muscle; can be canceled early by clicking on the interaction to cancel (otherwise, the spell continues until the target has no more Muscle). Target can be Teen and up.

Rank 3

  • Aura of Nature (targeting yourself): Pick a sim to cast the buff on; the sim with this buff will be protected from fire for the duration. Target can be Teen and up.
  • Aura of Edibility (targeting yourself): Pick a sim to cast the buff on; the sim with this buff will be capable of making food that doesn't spoil for the duration. Target can be Teen and up.
  • Aura of Agriculture (targeting yourself): Pick a sim to cast the buff on; the sim with this buff will gain Gardening skill at 5x the normal rate for the duration.

Rank 4

  • Sacrifice Skill Gain (targeting a sim): Gives target a temporary boost to skill gain for the target and a skill gain reduction for the caster. Target can be Toddler and up.
  • Imbue with / Purge Magical Positivity (targeting a sim): All negative mood types will be excluded for the target. Note that a few moodlets may leak through under special circumstances, but most should be excluded. Purge removes it (it lasts forever otherwise). Target can be Teen and up.
  • Imbue with / Workout Fatigue Protection (targeting a sim): Target won't experience workout fatigue while this is active. Purge removes it (it lasts forever otherwise). Target can be Teen and up.

Rank 5

  • Sacrifice Needs (instant): Sacrifice a need of yours to another sim instantly, draining yours, filling theirs, and refilling your Magical Connection. You can sacrifice any of the six default needs (Fun, Social, Hunger, Bladder, Hygiene, and Energy). Target can be Toddler and up.
  • Empower (targeting a sim): Creates a special relationship between the sorcerer and target. With this relationship active, the target will have bonuses when near the sorcerer: faster skill gain, faster relationship gain, lower needs decay, and higher success rate with social interactions. Target can be Teen and up.


Rank 1

  • Llamadeus, Summon Llamadeus (targeting yourself): Summons Llamadeus herself to the lot. You can use a couple of special interactions on Llamadeus, listed as follows. You can also ask Llamadeus to mentor you in Black or White Arts Skill if you are using Practice and can chat to her otherwise like a normal NPC. Llamadeus should be excluded from being targeted by most spells and I don't recommend modifying her in CAS, unless you want to break something. :)
  • Llamadeus, Ask About Universe (targeting Llamadeus): Llamadeus will give a notification response from some random possible ones.
  • Llamadeus, Ask About Appearance (targeting Llamadeus): Llamadeus will give a notification response (the same one every time). There are limits to her creativity.
  • Meditate on the Mysteries of The Universe (targeting yourself): Meditate in place, gaining XP in the process. If high enough rank, you can loot a moodlet at the end that will slow needs decay for some time.
  • Dry Out (targeting a puddle): Destroys the puddle.

Rank 2

  • Enchanted Workout (targeting a treadmill): Periodically costs some Magical Connection, builds Fitness skill faster than normal, and doesn't fatigue the sorcerer.
  • Douse (target ground, sim, or object that is on fire): Instantly puts out the fire. Can only put out one "piece" of fire at a time (e.g. if there is a raging inferno, it may take a few clicks).
  • Stasis Field (targeting a sim): Target is placed in Stasis for the duration. While in Stasis, the target's moods and needs don't decay, and they can't move or perform any actions. It also allows superspeed now and the target will be frozen in an animation as if stuck in place.

Rank 3

  • Lock/Unlock Magical Connection (targeting yourself): Locks Magical Connection at full.
  • Lock/Unlock Relationship Decay (targeting yourself): Locks Relationship Decay, so that it never decays. Works like the Beloved Trait that way.
  • Meditate in Stasis (targeting yourself): Can pass time, go into superspeed, and generally be frozen in place without mood or visible needs decaying for the duration.

Rank 4

  • Lock/Unlock Fun, Social, Hygiene, Hunger, Bladder, Energy, Thirst, Water (PlantSim), Vampire Thirst, or Vampire Energy (targeting yourself): Locks the chosen Need at full.
  • Transcend Boss to Promote (targeting yourself): Promotes yourself in your job.
  • Transcend Boss to Demote (targeting yourself): Demotes yourself in your job.

Rank 5

  • Enable/Disable Super Fast Skill Gain (targeting yourself): Greatly increases skill gain while active.
  • Disable/Enable Aging (targeting yourself): Pick any sim to disable aging on, including pets.
  • Transcend / Yield to Temperature (targeting yourself): Makes you immune to the ill effects of temperature while active.
  • Transcend / Yield to Privacy Reaction (targeting yourself): Makes you immune to reacting to privacy issues, in the same way as the Grim Reaper. (I ain't saying you're a reaper of death, it's just based off of the same thing the Grim Reaper has.)


Rank 1

  • Attempt to Increase Evolution (targeting food or drink): Works on food/drink that is of poor or normal quality (not outstanding, not spoiled, etc.). At early rank and White Arts skill, there's a chance of failure and reducing the quality. Once you reach the highest of levels, it's impossible to fail to increase quality. (Note: This was going to be called "Attempt to Increase Quality", but I missed the implementation of the string and didn't notice until right before release. As I was working with / waiting on some translators already, I decided to use the plant string Attempt to Increase Evolution for now rather than try to stuff another string in. I will likely correct this so it's more clear in a future update.)
  • Attempt to Increase Evolution (targeting a plant): Attempts to increase the evolution progress of a plant. At early rank and White Arts skill, there's a chance of failure and reducing the evolution progress. Once you reach the highest of levels, it's impossible to fail to increase evolution progress.

Rank 2

  • Attempt to Make Fresh (targeting food or drink): Attempt to turn take spoiled food or drink and make it fresh again. At early rank and White Arts skill, there's a chance of failure, which will cause the plate/cup to become empty. Once you reach the highest of levels, it's impossible to fail.
  • Prolong Life (targeting a sim): Reset the age progress in the target's life stage. Target can be Toddler and up, and can be Pets too.

Rank 3

  • Attempt to Lock Freshness (targeting food or drink): Attempt to lock the freshness on food or drink, so that it won't decay and become spoiled. At early rank and White Arts skill, there's a chance of failure, which will cause the food/drink to become spoiled. Once you reach the highest of levels, it's impossible to fail.
  • Water Plants in Range (targeting the ground): All plants in range will become watered if not already.
  • Clone Self in Owned Household (targeting the ground): Create a clone of yourself that gets added to your household.
  • Clone Self in Target Household (targeting a sim): Create a clone of yourself that gets added to the household of the sim you targeted.

Rank 4

  • Increase Chance of Boy/Girl (targeting a sim, targeting yourself): Target a pregnant sim, setting the current gender chance to the highest amount for giving birth to a boy, or to the highest amount for giving birth to a girl.
  • Repair Objects in Range (targeting the ground): Most objects in range that are broken will be repaired.
  • Clone Target in Owned Household (targeting a sim): Create a clone of the target that gets added to your household.
  • Clone Target in Target Household (targeting a sim): Create a clone of the target that gets added to the target's household.

Rank 5

  • Extract Spirit (targeting an urn or gravestone): "Pull out" the ghost. Note: Won't work if you've already released the spirit to the netherworld.
  • Resurrect (targeting a ghost): Bring the ghost back to life.
  • Instant Ready to Evolve (targeting a plant): Make the plant instantly ready to evolve into its next stage. (You'll still have to click Evolve for it to do the evolving part.) Refills Magical Connection.


The Reality Arts are about warping reality to the desires of the caster. Unlike normal spells, they don't need to be casted. Reality Arts are subtle, secret, and subvertive, existing to serve your will. Just be careful you don't end up serving their will instead.

Reality Arts is a ranked skill and functions like specializations in that it's not a visible skill and ranks up with XP. Unlike specializations, it doesn't decay and when you reach Grandmaster, you can continue to rank up to get more Reality Motes.

Rank 0/1

  • Find Human (target yourself): Camera jumps to the picked sim, wherever they are on the lot.
  • Find Pet (target yourself): Camera jumps to the picked pet, wherever they are on the lot.
  • Change Outfit (target other sim): Change the targeted sim's outfit.
  • Change Outfit Instantly (target other sim): Change the targeted sim's outfit without them needing to do the spin animation.
  • Dismiss (target other sim): Causes the targeted sim to leave the lot if they aren't already leaving.
  • Teleport as... (picked sim): Click on the ground and pick a Sim in the zone to teleport to the selected area. This is an old spell that has been moved to counting as Reality Arts.
  • Minion System: Minion spells are still unlocked by default once you've done a sorcerer ritual. The difference is now they are considered part of Reality Arts and will give Reality Arts XP for using them.

Rank 2

  • Reality Motes Transmutation (target yourself): For full info, see the section on Reality Motes. Brings up a picker menu. Once you choose what to transmute Reality Motes into, it will bring up a number input box. This can take negative or positive numbers. If you put in a positive number (ex: 2) you will spend Reality Motes to gain the other type of currency (ex: spend Reality Motes to gain Fame Perk Points). If you put in a negative number (ex: -2) you will spend Reality Motes to lose the other type of currency (ex: spend Reality Motes to lose Fame Quirk Points).
  • Reality Motes Number (target yourself): Shows you the number of Reality Motes you currently have at a glance. Clicking it doesn't do anything.
  • Long Lost Lovers Introduction (target other sim): Magically introduce yourself to a sim, instantly becoming romantic partners.
  • Long Lost Friends Introduction (target other sim): Magically introduce yourself to a sim, instantly becoming full friend bar.
  • Long Lost Enemies Introduction (target other sim): Magically introduce yourself to a sim, fighting and instantly become declared enemies.
  • Learn Traits (target other sim): Learn the targeted sim's traits.
  • Learn Career (target other sim): Learn the targeted sim's career.
  • Mass Dismiss (target yourself): Causes the picked sims to leave the lot if they aren't already leaving.

Rank 3

  • Stop (target other sim): Target will stop their current action and do nothing briefly.
  • Find and Stop Human (target yourself): Camera jumps to the picked sim and briefly stops them.
  • Find and Stop Pet (target yourself): Camera jumps to the picked pet and briefly stops them.
  • Ethereal Light: Imbue/Purge (target yourself): Picked sim adds (Imbue) or removes (Purge) a light that will follow them around.
  • Movement (Slow Down, Speed Up, Resume Normal) (target other sim): Change target's walkstyle to fast, slowmo, or normal (no change).
  • Ethereal Realm: Play In (target yourself): Briefly enter the Ethereal Realm, building Fun Need while inside.
  • Ethereal Realm: Sleep In (target yourself): Build Energy Need inside the Ethereal Realm until full, or interaction is canceled.

Rank 4

  • Forget Existence (target other sim): The sim you pick will completely forget their relationship with the sim you targeted. So if you wanted to forget a relationship between the caster and the target, you would pick the caster as the picked sim.
  • Forget Skill (target yourself): Pick a skill from the list that pops up. Picked sim will forget it completely.
  • Change Name (target yourself): Brings up a window to change the picked sim's name.
  • Change Personality (target yourself): Brings up a window to change the picked sim's personality traits. (Note: You can use this on Teen or older if they are a played sim and Young Adult or older if they are an NPC. This is due to a limitation of the personality change tuning.)
  • Ethereal Realm: Search for Upgrade Parts (target yourself): Briefly enter the Ethereal Realm and find some Upgrade Parts over time. Chance of random consequences happening while inside; see section on Ethereal Realm for more details.
  • Ethereal Realm: Search for Metals (target yourself): Briefly enter the Ethereal Realm and find some Metals over time. Chance of random consequences happening while inside; see section on Ethereal Realm for more details.
  • Ethereal Realm: Search for Crystals (target yourself): Briefly enter the Ethereal Realm and find some Crystals over time. Chance of random consequences happening while inside; see section on Ethereal Realm for more details.
  • Ethereal Realm: Search for Gardening Seeds (target yourself): Briefly enter the Ethereal Realm and find some Gardening Seeds over time. Chance of random consequences happening while inside; see section on Ethereal Realm for more details.
  • Ethereal Realm: Search for Books (target yourself): Briefly enter the Ethereal Realm and find some Books over time. Chance of random consequences happening while inside; see section on Ethereal Realm for more details.
  • Ethereal Realm: Search for Corporeal Form (target yourself): Enter the Ethereal Realm and try to turn back into human from being a ghost. Chance of random consequences happening while inside; see section on Ethereal Realm for more details.

Rank 5

  • Reality Motes Reverse Transmutation (target yourself): For full info, see the section on Reality Motes. This is the same as the normal transmutation interaction, but in reverse. For example, if you pick Influence, you'll be spending Influence and gaining or losing Reality Motes. Note that the exchange rate costs more for reversal and reversal does not include Simoleons (e.g. you can't transmute Simoleons into Reality Motes).
  • Mass Teleport (target ground): Picked sims will be teleported to the location you clicked on.
  • Set Need (target other sim): Set the chosen need of the targeted sim with an inputted value.
  • Self Regenerating Molecules: Imbue/Purge (target yourself): Picked sim adds (Imbue) or removes (Purge) a trait with some special properties. Needs will regenerate and not decay; and singed and grubby (unclean) state will try to auto-clean themselves when present.
  • Eternal Youth Molecules: Imbue/Purge (target yourself): Picked sim adds (Imbue) or removes (Purge) a trait that keeps them from naturally aging past Young Adult. If the picked sim is Adult or Elder, they will be aged down to Young Adult when the spell is applied.
  • Immortal Life Molecules: Imbue/Purge (target yourself): Picked sim adds (Imbue) or removes (Purge) a trait that keeps them from dying.
  • Ethereal Realm: Explore Depths (target yourself): Steadily progress past the five layers of unreality, eventually gaining access to The Other Place (another rabbit hole type of place you can inhabit and it gives you some bonuses; see "Ethereal Realm: Visit The Other Place"). See Ethereal Depths section for more detail.
  • Ethereal Realm: Explore (target yourself): Enter the Ethereal Realm for as long as you want to, provided your needs don't get the better of you. Random chance to find a variety of objects over time. Chance of random consequences happening while inside; see section on Ethereal Realm for more details.
  • (Ethereal Realm) Protection for Needs: Imbue/Purge (target yourself): Caster adds (Imbue) or removes (Purge) a trait that protects them from random needs loss while searching in the Ethereal Realm.
  • (Ethereal Realm) Protection for Corporeal Form: Imbue/Purge (target yourself): Caster adds (Imbue) or removes (Purge) a trait that protects them from being turned into a ghost while searching in the Ethereal Realm.
  • (Ethereal Realm) Protection for Incorporeal Form: Imbue/Purge (target yourself): Ghost caster adds (Imbue) or removes (Purge) a trait that protects them from being turned back into normal while searching in the Ethereal Realm.


Reality Motes are, some say, composed from the properties of the universe itself. Some say they are star dust. Others say they are a feature in a game and you should get to explaining how they work.

Reality Motes are, in essence, a kind of currency. Each time you rank up in Reality Arts (Rank 2 or higher) you will gain some Reality Motes. They can then be spent by Transmuting them into other things. At Rank 2, you'll get access to the Reality Motes Transmutation interaction and at Rank 5 you'll get access to the Reality Motes Reverse Transmutation interaction.

Transmutation: This process takes one type of currency and changes it into another at a built-in exchange rate. For example, transmuting 2 Reality Motes into 1 Fame Perk Point. You can also use negative values. For example, you can transmute 2 Reality Motes into -1 Fame Quirk Point, enabling you to get rid of unspent quirk points lingering around, waiting to unlock quirks you don't want.

Depending on what packs you have, what occults you are, what businesses you own, etc., you may be able to transmute Reality Motes into any of the following: Simoleons, Retail Perk Points (Get to Work), Restaurant Perk Points (Dine Out), Vet Perk Points (Cats & Dogs), Fame Perk Points and Fame Quirk Points (Get Famous), Spellcaster Perk Points (Realm of Magic), Vampire Power Points and Vampire Weakness Points (Vampires), Influence Points, Recycle Bits, and Recycle Pieces (Eco Lifestyle), and Galactic Credits (Journey to Batuu).

Note: The requirements for transmutation into business points showing up (Retail, Restaurant, Vet) are a bit specific. You need to be on a lot that qualifies as the type of business (ex: Retail) and is also owned by the sim who is doing the transmuting. Some requirements only require a pack to be installed (ex: Galactic Credits) and some require your sim to be an occult or rank level (e.g. at least Fame rank 1 for Fame Points, must be a Vampire to transmute Vampire Points, etc.).

If you don't have any packs, you can still transmute Reality Motes into Simoleons. You could supplement your income or challenge yourself and try to live off of Simoleons you get from transmutation.

Reality Motes Transmutation: Brings up a picker menu. Once you choose what to transmute Reality Motes into, it will bring up a number input box. This can take negative or positive numbers. If you put in a positive number (ex: 2) you will spend Reality Motes to gain the other type of currency (ex: spend Reality Motes to gain Fame Perk Points). If you put in a negative number (ex: -2) you will spend Reality Motes to lose the other type of currency (ex: spend Reality Motes to lose Fame Quirk Points).

Reality Motes Reverse Transmutation: This is the same as the normal transmutation interaction, but in reverse. For example, if you pick Influence, you'll be spending Influence and gaining or losing Reality Motes. Note that the exchange rate costs more for reversal and reversal does not include Simoleons (e.g. you can't transmute Simoleons into Reality Motes).


Visually, the Ethereal Realm is like a rabbit hole interaction. In spirit, you can think of like a place where spirits hang out. A world between worlds.

Reality Arts comes with a number of spells that allow you to briefly inhabit the Ethereal Realm. You can Sleep In it to build Energy or Play In it to build Fun. You can also Search For Upgrade Parts, Crystals, Metals, Gardening Seeds, or Books; while searching, you have a chance to take a hit to a need or gain some in a need. You also have a chance to lose your corporeal body and temporarily turn into a ghost, or if you're a ghost, turn back to normal. If you don't like these consequences of searching, at Reality Arts Rank 5, you can turn on some protections, to protect from needs loss or the chance to turn into a ghost / into normal.


With Ethereal Realm: Explore Depths, you can steadily progress past the five layers of unreality, eventually gaining access to The Other Place (another rabbit hole type of place you can inhabit and it gives you some bonuses; see "Ethereal Realm: Visit The Other Place").

The first time you use Explore Depths, you'll be trying to reach the keeper of the first layer of unreality, without getting kicked out from needs being too low. Some needs will drain over time, such as Energy, so make sure your sim is well-rested.

Once you've reached the keeper of the first layer of unreality, you'll be notified as such and the next time you Explore Depths, you'll be presented with a riddle by the keeper to see if you can proceed. The first riddle is impossible to fail, but after that, you'll be getting real riddles with the possibility of failing. If you do fail a riddle (choose an incorrect answer) you can try again by going back in with Explore Depths.

Once you answer a riddle successfully, you're now back to trying to reach another keeper without getting kicked out from needs being too low. It proceeds like this until you've passed the fifth layer, at which point you'll get the Ethereal Nomad reward trait and Explore Depths will be replaced with Visit The Other Place.

  • Ethereal Nomad (reward trait): Sims with this trait can use "Ethereal Realm: Visit The Other Place", can use "Summon Ghosts", and they build relationships easier with ghost sims.
  • Ethereal Realm: Visit The Other Place: Works like other Ethereal Realm interactions, but no set duration. When you enter and when you leave, you'll get an Energized buff that increases skill gain and relationship gain. While inside, your Needs will regenerate and the interaction counts as a form of sleeping, so you could use this as a way to sleep if you want to (though it does not include all of the normal buffs and the like that come with a typical "sleep" interaction). Aging and the ability to die will also be turned off while inside.
  • Summon Ghosts: Pick ghosts to summon to the lot. Works like inviting a sim over. Note that there must be at least one ghost who exists, who is not already loaded on the lot, for this interaction to be available. You don't have to be introduced to them, but they must exist somewhere.


The Minion system operates under the pie menu category Spells > Minion. Most commands are done by targeting another sim. A few (which I'll specify below) are used by targeting yourself and picking a sim to apply the command to.

Minion Roles are the core of the minion system. They specify what limitations are set on the minion, while the role is active.

With the addition of Reality Arts, Minion commands are now considered part of Reality Arts and give Reality Arts XP.


Roles can be activated at the same time, allowing you to combine them for creative use. Maid/Repair, Musician/Gardener/Painter. It's up to you and you can change it on a given sim at any time.

Most roles are a particular high priority (ex: Maid has a high priority to clean). The exception to this is Guest, which simply enables the Minion, if an NPC, to act like an invited Guest in your home. Guest is incompatible with the Restricted setting for this reason (and vice-versa—they will turn each other off). Restricted confines the sim to ONLY doing the behaviors included in any active roles. If no roles are active, they will stand around and do nothing.

  • Dance: The minion will follow around the sim who applied the role to them and dance near them. If more than one Sorcerer has control over the same minion, the minon may pick one or the other at random to dance near.
  • Guest: The minion, if on a residential lot, will treat it as if they are a welcome guest. If they are not on a residential lot, they will likely just perform whatever range of actions is normal.
  • Maid: The minion will clean things up if there is anything to clean.
  • Musician: The minion's Guitar, Violin, and Piano skills will be immediately set to max level. They will play Guitar, Violin, or Piano if one is available to play.
  • Painter: The minion will paint if there is an easel available to paint on.
  • Repair: The minion will repair broken objects if there are objects available to repair.
  • Gardener: The minion will tend to plants in need of care.
  • Comedian: The minion will do comedy on a microphone if there is one available.
  • Bartender: The minion will tend to a bar if there is one available that isn't being tended.


  • Restricted: Restricts the sim to ONLY doing the behaviors included in any active roles. If no roles are active, they will stand around and do nothing.
  • Ignore Weather: The minion will ignore weather as a mechanic. There may be some weird exceptions to this, but that's what it's supposed to do anyway.
  • Always Teleport: The minion will use a sorcerer teleport to get around.
  • Always Minion: The minion will enter the minion role upon entering a lot, no matter when or where.
  • Needs Unlocked: The normally locked minion needs will be unlocked and decay somewhat normally.
  • Matched Sleeping: Minion will be put to sleep or wake up in tandem with their sorcerer waking up or going to sleep.

Set Mood

Mood can be set to any possible mood or cleared with Clear Set Mood.

General Commands

Special minion commands (these commands are always available for a Sorcerer who has made the target into a minion at least once):

Targeting the Minion

  • Sleep: Puts the minion into a sleeping interaction. This is to allow you to go into the highest game speed, without the presence of minions screwing it up. To wake the minion from this, target them with a sorcerer and use Wake Up.
  • Dismiss: Forces the minion to leave the lot. In case you're wondering, this can be used on both residential and public lots.

Targeting Yourself and Picking a Sim

  • Summon: Works like the voodoo summon ability. Can only be used on a minion who isn't currently on the loaded neighborhood somewhere. It will bring them onto the lot, to you (they may have to walk/run to you once they spawn, so don't expect to see them instantly). They may try to run off immediately after being summoned; this is because they can be summoned even if at work or occupied with something else like that. You'll want to watch for them and apply a minion role when you see them, to make sure they don't run off. (Note that if you have "Always Minion" enabled, you shouldn't have to worry about them trying to run off when summoned anymore.)
  • Release: Removes the relationship bit between Minion and Sorcerer, so that they are no longer considered a minion of that sorcerer. The minion must be present on the loaded neighborhood somewhere for you to do this. It will also apply the functionality of Dismiss, so that they'll be sure to leave, as opposed to getting stuck in a role.
  • Sleep (can pick up to 7 minions at a time): Tells the minion(s) to go into their special Sleep interaction.
  • Wake Up (can pick up to 7 minions at a time): Tells the minion(s) to Wake Up from their special Sleep interaction

Targeting the Ground

  • Sleep (can pick up to 7 minions at a time): Tells the minion(s) to go to the location you clicked on and then go into their special Sleep interaction.
  • Go Here (can pick up to 7 minions at a time): Tells the minion(s) to go to the location you clicked on.

General Details

  • Controlled sims can have minion commands used on them, but they may not do what they are supposed if autonomy is turned off, since it depends on autonomy.
  • Minions with a role active can be chatted with normally, though they may interrupt chatting to do whatever action is high priority for them, if available.
  • Minion Needs are locked at max while a role is active, so you don't need to be concerned with managing their needs.
  • PlantSims and Vampires can be minions, in addition to normal sims. Sorcerers cannot.
  • Minions with a role active will always use the Run walkstyle, making them super efficient at getting around to perform their role. Note: Vampires may use super speed or teleport instead of Run, if it's active when they take on a minion role.
  • Minion roles can be applied on public lots, though they were designed with residential in mind, so they may not be all that interesting outside of the home.
  • A minion will stay in its active role forever, unless: 1) You use Dismiss on it or, 2) You leave the lot and the minion leaves the role for some reason that I don't have a fix for. Minions may stick around if you travel, they may not. Expect some inconsistency with this aspect of it. Minions will leave the role if *they* travel, for sure.
  • Once a role has been successfully applied to a target once, that target will have a permanent relationship bit with the Sorcerer who made them a minion, even if they don't have any roles currently active. This relationship bit can be removed with the ability Release, explained in detail below in the special commands.
  • Upon exiting their special Sleep interaction, a minion's needs are all set to full. This is to ensure that they aren't staying low somehow, as the result of (for example) a Sorcerer instant drain interaction.


You start with access to the Skill Level 1 spells. To begin progressing in Mischief Arts skill, you can use the Skill Level 1 spells listed below. The Mischief Arts is best paired with the Ritual of Neutrality, added with V2-4-11. It can be played with the other rituals too, though it doesn't impact, or is impacted by, Alignment or Magical Connection.

Some of these Spells require Seasons or Get Famous and may not appear at all if you don't have those expansions. Some may appear, but won't do anything if you don't have the expansion in question. Generally speaking, anything involving weather (Seasons) or reputation (Get Famous) requires those expansions.

This is a departure from my normal MO of trying to make everything base game compatible. The reason is, quite a few fundamental features of Mischief Arts were inspired by features from Seasons and Get Famous, and I wanted to see what I could do with the possibilities opened up by those expansions.

If you are missing one or more of those expansions, the mod should still be compatible with your game, the same as before. You just won't be able to get the full experience if you pursue the Mischief Arts.

Skill Level 1

  • Apply Random Hairstyle (self target picker): The picked Sim will get a temporary buff that gives them a random hairstyle/color. This buff is temporary and should not have a permanent impact on the Sim's appearance in any way.
  • Shrink Bladder (target): Makes the target pee themself. They also get a temporary buff that makes Bladder decay much faster for a few hours.
  • Summon Swarm of Bees / Summon Mini Storm Cloud (target): Visual effect and name is slightly different depending on whether the current Season is Warmer (Spring, Summer) or Colder (Fall, Winter). Target will run around the neighborhood, being chased by bees (Warmer Season) or a mini storm cloud (Colder Season).
  • Introduce to Imaginary Friend (target): Target will talk to an imaginary person for a while.
  • Change Social Context (Funny, Awkward): Must be a targeted Sim you are introduced to. Will change the current social context (if you are unfamiliar with the terminology, that's the part at the top, indicating how the conversation is going). You can change it in a variety of ways as you get higher in skill, opening up the ability to influence the conversation context in most possible ways a conversation can be.
  • Telepathy, Create Telepathic Connection (target): The target will become a telepathic "hub," meaning that telepathy-based interactions can pick them as a target.
  • Telepathy, Remove Telepathic Connection (target): Remove the trait that makes the target a telepathic hub.
  • Telepathy, Chat (self target picker): Picked Sim must be a telepathic hub. Your Sim will look like they are chatting with someone imaginary. Social Need will go up for both Sims (your Sim and the Picked Sim). Mischief Arts will go up for the caster and for the Picked Sim (if they are a Sorcerer who can progress in Mischief Arts Skill).

Skill Level 2

  • Grow Mold (target must be food or drink): Changes the state of the food or drink to "spoiled." Let me know if you notice anything weird with this. It's a generic state change applied to every type of food and drink, so if any foods or drinks have special states for being spoiled, there may be oddities.
  • Change Weather (self target): Can change the weather to Cold, Hot, Clear Skies, or Cloudy Skies.
  • Change Social Context (Friendly, Suggestive, Boring): Must be a targeted Sim you are introduced to. Will change the current social context.
  • Change Weather Forecast (self target): Can change the weather forecast in a variety of ways, depending on what Season it is. The number of possible ways should be the same as the weather machine.

Skill Level 3

  • Fuse Components Together (target must an object that is breakable): Breaks the targeted object. Note that a couple of objects have a special state for brokenness that I accounted for. If you notice any objects where breaking it seems to break it in an unexpected way (repairing it won't work or some such thing), let me know. I tried to cover as many breakable objects as I could think of and didn't find the time to test all of them in detail.
  • Change Walkstyle, Pee Walk, Sleepy Walk, or Panic Run (self target picker): Temporarily changes the Picked Sim's walkstyle to the one you chose out of the three possible variations. Should override most walkstyle priorities, with some exceptions.
  • Change Social Context (Very Awkward): Must be a targeted Sim you are introduced to. Will change the current social context.
  • Telepathy, Play (self target picker): Picked Sim must be a telepathic hub. Your Sim will look like they are dancing with no one. Fun Need will go up for both Sims (your Sim and the Picked Sim). Mischief Arts will go up for the caster and for the Picked Sim (if they are a Sorcerer who can progress in Mischief Arts Skill).

Skill Level 4

  • Change Season, Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter (self target): Changes the current Season to the one of your choosing.
  • Burst of Apply Random Hairstyle, Shrink Bladder, Summon Swarm of Bees / Summon Mini Storm Cloud, Introduce to Imaginary Friend (self target): Any Sim within range of the spell, with the exception of the caster, will be impacted by its effect.
  • Change Social Context (Hilarious): Must be a targeted Sim you are introduced to. Will change the current social context.

Skill Level 5

  • Induce Extreme Laughter (target): Gives the target a 4h, +50 Playful moodlet, making them dangerously Playful, assuming they are of an age where such is dangerous. If they are younger (ex: Toddler, Child, Teen), they will just be highly Playful, no danger.
  • Change Weather (self target): Can change the weather to Blizzard, Rain, Thunderstorm, Snow, or Heatwave.
  • Change Social Context (Distasteful, Tedious): Must be a targeted Sim you are introduced to. Will change the current social context.
  • Telepathy, Nap (self target picker): Picked Sim must be a telepathic hub. Your Sim will use the same animation as the one used in the Sleep on Ground mod. Energy Need will go up for your Sim like a normal Nap, with an additional minor Energy gain for both your Sim and the Picked Sim. Mischief Arts will go up for the caster and for the Picked Sim (if they are a Sorcerer who can progress in Mischief Arts Skill).

Skill Level 6

  • Apply/Remove Blame Disguise (self target): Prevents reputation loss from performing Mischief Arts spells in public that would normally give a loss to reputation.
  • Burst of Change Walkstyle, Pee Walk, Sleepy Walk, or Panic Run (self target): Any Sim within range of the spell, with the exception of the caster, will be impacted by its effect.
  • Change Social Context (Amorous): Must be a targeted Sim you are introduced to. Will change the current social context.

Skill Level 7

  • Enchant Locks to Open (target must be a residential door on a lot that is not your own): Works exactly like the Vampire house entry ability. Grants you entry to a residential home that is not your own, without being invited in.
  • Burst of Induce Extreme Laughter (self target): Any Sim within range of the spell, with the exception of the caster, will be impacted by its effect.
  • Change Social Context (Offensive): Must be a targeted Sim you are introduced to. Will change the current social context.

Skill Level 8

  • Lock/Unlock Door (target must be a door on a lot that is not your own): Works like the Vampire door locking/unlocking abilities.
  • Mass Apply Random Hairstyle, Shrink Bladder, Summon Swarm of Bees / Summon Mini Storm Cloud, Introduce to Imaginary Friend (self target): Every currently loaded Sim who can normally qualify as a target of the ability in question, with the exception of the caster, will be impacted by its effect.
  • Add/Remove No Mischief Mark (self target picker): Makes the Picked Sim immune to most Mischief Arts spells. More specifically, it nullifies the effects of spells that have a Burst and Mass version. This is so that if you want to effect most Sims with a large impact spell, but you want one or more in particular to be immune to the effect, you can set up something like that.
  • Change Social Context (Insufferably Tedious): Must be a targeted Sim you are introduced to. Will change the current social context.

Skill Level 9

  • Attribute Blame to (self target picker): The Picked Sim will temporarily get some blame when you cast Mischief Arts spells in public. More specifically, spells that would cause a loss in reputation will cause the Picked Sim to lose some reputation as well. Enjoy tanking the reputations of Sims you don't like!
  • Mass Change Walkstyle, Pee Walk, Sleepy Walk, Panic Run (self target): Every currently loaded Sim who can normally qualify as a target of the ability in question, with the exception of the caster, will be impacted by its effect.
  • Change Social Context (Abhorrent): Must be a targeted Sim you are introduced to. Will change the current social context.

Skill Level 10

  • Apply/Remove Blame Reversal (self target): With this active, Mischief Arts spells that would normally cause a loss in reputation will cause a gain in reputation instead. Negative flipped to positive, in other words. Note: This does NOT impact the "Attribute Blame to" interaction. That interaction will still cause a reputation loss for the Picked Sim, not a reputation gain.
  • Mass Induce Extreme Laughter (self target): Every currently loaded Sim who can normally qualify as a target of the ability in question, with the exception of the caster, will be impacted by its effect.
  • Enchant Boss to Promote (self target, must have a career): Instantly promotes your Sim. Much like the trickster gods in so many tales, your Sim has the ability to influence their job status and move up in the world easily. Enjoy being ridiculously powerful!
  • Change Social Context (Steamy): Must be a targeted Sim you are introduced to. Will change the current social context. In case you're wondering, this is the strongest Romance social context and this interaction will cap it out at the highest amount, making Romance a breeze (or, well... far easier).


The majority of spells that were unlocked through White Arts are now unlocked through Specializations instead. What remains is in the list below. Note that White Arts will also provide passive bonuses, like increased Specialization XP gain and increased success rate of some spells. It will also increase with each use of a Light spell, so you will grow in White Arts Skill along with growing in Specializations.

Skill Level 1

  • Practice: Increases White Arts Skill over time.
  • Enchanting Introduction: Works like Friendly Introduction, but stronger.

Skill Level 10

  • Mentor: Sorcerers using Practice can ask a sim with Level 10 Skill to Mentor them, gaining skill faster.
  • Imbue with Magic: Gives the targeted sim the sorcerer trait.


The majority of spells that were unlocked through Black Arts are now unlocked through Specializations instead. What remains is in the list below. Note that Black Arts will also provide passive bonuses, like increased Specialization XP gain and increased success rate of some spells. It will also increase with each use of a Dark spell, so you will grow in Black Arts Skill along with growing in Specializations.

Skill Level 1

  • Practice: Increases Black Arts Skill over time.
  • Enchanting Introduction: Works like Rude Introduction, but stronger.

Skill Level 10

  • Mentor: Sorcerers using Practice can ask a sim with Level 10 Skill to Mentor them, gaining skill faster.
  • Strip Magic: Removes sorcerer trait/abilities from the targeted sim, same removal operations as the "Return Magic to Object" interaction on the Suspicious Lump of Clay.


A few Spells are functionality I wanted Sorcerers to have, but it didn't make sense to force them into a specific spell category. They are as follows:

  • Walkstyle like the Vampire Super Speed. Toggle under Spells with "Enable Enchanted Run / Disable Enchanted Run"
  • Teleport as... Lamadeus' Torch (Neutral Alignment) / Purity's Flame (Light Alignment) / Reaper's Shroud (Dark Alignment): Teleports yourself to the selected area.


When you've reached Level 10 in White Arts or Black Arts, have maxed Alignment of the related type, and have mastered a Specialization of the related type, you can choose from one of three rituals under the menu Devote Yourself to the Light/Dark to lock your alignment and gain a special trait in the process. It will lock the Specialization decay for the chosen type. They are as follows:


  • Ritual of Transcendence: +50 Fine Buff that can be toggled at will.
  • Ritual of Salvation: Special Ability Sacrifice Magical Connection under White Arts menu; tank your Magical Connection and fill all of the target's needs to full. Target can be Toddler and up.
  • Ritual of Creation: Special Abilities Create Life inside Target and Create Life inside Self under White Arts menu; target another sim and make yourself or them pregnant. Target can be Young Adult and up. NOTE: This seems to be incompatible with MC Command Center's MC Pregnancy / MC Woohoo modules, due to the strict rules it applies to pregnancy. I'm aware of the issue, but it's not the simplest thing to fix. I'm not sure if I even can fix it, if MC Command Center's rules are too strict to get around.

Additionally, all Light traits unlock the optional toggle Purity's Aura and optional toggle Hover walkstyle.

With Purity's Aura active, the Sim will have a sun VFX in the middle of their chest. To activate the component that causes nearby Sims to come to them and cheer for them, like a famous person being mobbed, go to Spells (Cheat) > Reaction.


  • Ritual of Eternity: Become Immortal, aka: Can't age or die.
  • Ritual of Might: Special Ability Fight for Llamadeus's Favor under Mean menu; drains the target's needs and fills your Magical Connection. Target can be Teen and up.
  • Ritual of Wealth: Special Ability Wealth from Death under Black Arts menu; kill the target and gain 50,000 Simoleons. Target can be Teen and up.

Additionally, all Dark traits unlock the optional toggle Reaper's Aura and optional toggle Hover walkstyle.

With Reaper's Aura active, the Sim will have a Grim Reaper black smoke VFX by their feet. To activate the component that causes nearby Sims to run away and panic, go to Spells (Cheat) > Reaction. While said Sims are panicking, the Sorcerer can use "Scare" on them, which will cause them to pee themselves.

As of version 3-0 or later, there are two new Alignment Lock rituals, one Light and one Dark, Ritual of Radiance and Ritual of Shadows. These require the same things as listed above, with one difference: You need mastery in all three Light Specializations, or mastery in all three Dark Specializations. They also give you access to all three perks/abilities. For example, Ritual of Shadows would give you the traits Fighter, Counterfeiter, and Immortal, and lock Domination, Destruction, and Greed decay.

As of version 3-1 or later, you can use the Ritual of Infinite Balance to get access to everything and lock everything, light and dark. The requirements for it are: Grandmaster in all specializations, max Light/Dark skill, and Alignment at 0 (the middle). Ritual of Infinite Balance unlocks the abilities:

  • Reveal Type of Sims on Lot (targeting yourself): Temporarily adds a visual to some sims on the lot. Those included are PlantSim, Vampire, Alien, Sorcerer, Good Trait, and Evil Trait. The visual is distinct for each, so that you can recognize what kind of sim they are at a glance.
  • Reveal True Form (targeting another sim): Target a Vampire or Alien and force them to change into their undisguised form.


Child Sim Sorcerers can't cast Spells yet. In the wise words of a petulant child, "Maybe later." 

Child Sim Sorcerers have a different relationship with magic than older sims. They have a lot of magical energy, but don't understand how to use it yet. Sometimes this can manifest in the form of Spontaneous Combustion. Spontaneous Combustion works as follows:

Spontaneous Combustion: When Angry, there's a chance that your Child Sim may spontaneously combust, i.e. catch on fire.

The exact numbers for chance of it happening are: Minimum 4 hours initially, maximum 8 hours initially. Then min 6 hours, max 24 hours. It's intended to be rare overall, rather than being something you habitually have to deal with. But let's keep it moving before we catch on fire here...

After spontaneously combusting at least once, Child Sim Sorcerers can ask an older Sim who is a Sorcerer to do a Flame Containment Spell on them, which protects them from spontaneously combusting for two days. This buff is called Combustion Suppression and when it's added, all Tense, Angry, and Uncomfortable buffs are removed. (This does not apply to buffs that are dependent on something other than time remaining, like the low Hygiene discomfort from being dirty after being on fire, nor does it apply to buffs of these types that are added AFTER Combustion Suppression is added.)

Child Sim Sorcerers can also Teleport, with some heavy caveats. For a Child Sim to be able to Teleport, a Teen+ Sorcerer needs to do the interaction with them, under Friendly, called "Imbue with Teleportation Power." Upon completion, the Child Sim Sorcerer (let's just call him Bob... that's easier to type... Bob is an easy name). Upon completion, Bob gains a 6 hour, +2 Fine buff called Teleporty Tingles. Bob can now click on the ground and use Teleport as Llamadeus's Torch. 

The catch is, when Bob teleports he'll get a 30 second, +3 Uncomfortable Moodlet called Queasy. While Queasy is active, Bob can't Teleport. His little Bob body isn't built for such speed. Once Queasy drops, Bob can Teleport again, provided he still has the Teleporty Tingles buff.


Like Child Sims, Toddlers can't cast Spells. They can't spontaneously combust either. So what can they do?

What they can do is use the Suspicious Lump of Clay to get the Sorcerer trait. Once they have it, they will have a new interaction available if you click on them called "Play." They can do it autonomously, so let me know if you feel that it happens too often.

This interaction, like the connotation of the word "play," is for "fun." It doesn't do anything other than look cute and give them some Fun Need. It looks magical though, so there's that. Weirder stories!

Toddlers can also be teleported by older Sims and will get a buff specific to their Toddler trait as a result.


You can use two Sorcerer-themed lot traits (but only one at a time on a given lot, they are incompatible with each other).

Dreamland: In the spirit of being dreamlike, sims zoned into a lot with this trait will receive a variety of bonuses and effects that are themed to being helpful or just odd: White Arts skill gain and Light specializations gain are increased; positive moods decay slower; negative moods decay faster; friendly, funny, and romance interactions have a higher chance of success; friendship and romance increases faster and decreases slower; most needs decay slower, with the exception of Energy, which decays faster (it is a sleepy land, after all); child or older sims who aren't ghosts will use a ghost hover walkstyle; and child or older sims who are ghosts will use a regular walk instead of ghost walkstyle.

Note that the walkstyle override won't necessarily override the walkstyle of a sim every time. It is not the highest possible walkstyle priority, but it's one of the higher ones.

Netherworld: A window into a dark world. Sims entering a lot with this trait (e.g. entering the build mode outline of the lot) will have the following effects applied: Black Arts skill gain and Dark specializations gain are increased; positive moods decay faster; negative moods decay slower; mean interactions are more likely to be used; friendship and romance decreases faster and increases slower; for most sims, most needs decay faster, with the exception of Energy, which doesn't decay at all; Evil and Mean sims will have most needs decay slower and get extra skill gain for all skills; Good sims will have most needs decay even faster than other sims and skill gain will be slower.


With v3-6-1, I've made the Sorcerer-specific trait removal more thorough when you use the Purge Magic -> Return Magic to Object interaction on the Suspicious Lump of Clay.

However, due to how complex the mod has gotten, this is still not a complete removal of everything relating to Sorcerer on a specific Sim. Relationships like Subjugate, Empower, and Minion will stick around.

If you want to remove Sorcerer as thoroughly as possible from a specific Sim without uninstalling the mod and saving over your game with the data missing, I recommend the following steps:

  • Use self target "Release" to end the relationship with any Minions and dismiss them from service.
  • Use self target "Mass -> Dispel Enchantment" to free any Sims trapped in Stasis Field
  • Use "Release from Subjugation" on any Subjugated Sims.
  • Use "End Empowerment" on any Empowered Sims.

Neglecting to do most of this probably isn't going to be very noticeable, since most of the components of the mod depend on you being a Sorcerer for it to matter. The ones I most recommend doing are releasing any Minions from service and any Sims in Stasis Field, so they don't get stuck in the situation.

I may try to make removal more thoroughly automated in the future, but I wanted to provide something of a guide for now, so if you ever run into issues with components lingering and are confused as to what to do, there's something with some info on it.


If you would like to have either of these features in relation to the Sorcerer mod, head on over to Klingondragon's mod and add that to your game, in addition to this mod.


To make cheats easier to use, there is now a cheats menu called "Spells (Cheat)", containing a variety of cheat interactions. You can find it by shift-clicking on your sim when testingcheats is enabled. The cheat interactions are as follows.

Spells (Cheat) > Set to Min (sets the Specialization to 0 XP / Rank 0, or if Alignment sets it to full Dark)

  • Reality Arts
  • Domination
  • Destruction
  • Greed
  • Empowerment
  • Deification
  • Creation
  • Alignment
  • All Sorcerer Specializations (sets all Specializations to min, including Reality Arts)

Spells (Cheat) > Set to Max (sets a Specialization to maximum XP/Rank, if a Skill sets it to max level, if Alignment sets it to full Light)

  • Reality Arts
  • Domination
  • Destruction
  • Greed
  • Empowerment
  • Deification
  • Creation
  • Black Arts
  • White Arts
  • Mischief Arts
  • Alignment
  • All Sorcerer Specializations (sets all Specializations to max, including Reality Arts)
  • All Sorcerer Skills (sets all Sorcerer Skills to max)

Spells (Cheat) > Lock Decay (locks decay for the Specialization - this is a separate lock from the one in mastery)

  • Domination
  • Destruction
  • Greed
  • Empowerment
  • Deification
  • Creation

Spells (Cheat) > Unlock Decay (unlocks decay for the Specialization - this is a separate lock from the one in mastery)

  • Domination
  • Destruction
  • Greed
  • Empowerment
  • Deification
  • Creation

Spells (Cheat) > Apply Blame Disguise (turns off Reputation gain/loss from spells for the specified type, Light or Dark)

  • Black Arts
  • White Arts

Spells (Cheat) > Remove Blame Disguise (turns on Reputation gain/loss from spells for the specified type, Light or Dark)

  • Black Arts
  • White Arts

Spells (Cheat)

  • Lock / Unlock Magical Connection
  • Reality Motes: Cheat Give Motes: Gives your sim 5 Reality Motes.
  • Ethereal Depths: Set to Beginning: Sets your sim's progress in the Ethereal Depths back to the beginning.
  • Ethereal Depths: Set to Completed All: Sets your sim's progress in the Ethereal Depths to the end, where you are given the reward trait Ethereal Nomad.
Keto Cookbook v.1.2

Keto Cookbook v.1.2

07 Jul 2023

Keto Cookbook is basically an enabler which allows you to cook my custom keto recipes. This mod will be updated with each new recipe added, so you'll need to make sure you keep it up-to-date to see all new recipes.

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