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Werewolf Tweaks  

Upload: 06 Nov 2022, 09:35
Created by: ChippedSim [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Werewolf Tweaks

Some tweaks to improve the werewolf gameplay and add new features!

Venomous Bites
Werewolves now have a new ability to give vampires a venomous bite. This interaction is available if you unlocked the Curse Bearer perk or during the full moon. After being bitten vampires will go through a few different stages suffering from the venom which will lead to their death if you don’t find an antidote in time.

Food and drinks laced with wolfsbane give the Sim who consumes it a confident moodlet for 24h that protects them against werewolf attacks.

Werewolves who accidentally consume something containing wolfsbane will feel quite uncomfortable about it. Thankfully their enhanced smell will allow them to detect contained food and drinks to avoid them. This effect is only visible to werewolves.

Wolfy Walkstyle
Enables the wolf walk and run walkstyles that are normally only available while rampaging in the werewolf form.

Pack Requirements Werewolves
Mod Requirements  XML Injector 
Overriden Resources


Latest Version: V1.2
Latest Update: 29.06.2022

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Ogre Mod

06 May 2022
1 790

The Ogre is a legendary monster usually depicted as a large, hideous, human-like creature that eats ordinary people, especially babies and children.

Necromania Reward Trait 25 КB

Necromania Reward Trait

06 May 2022

This reward trait replaces the various sad buffs generated by deaths with positive emotion buffs. It also adds a happy buff whenever your sim is near the Grim Reaper. This trait can be purchased from the rewards store for 2000 aspiration points.

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