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BG - IR Cheating  

Upload: 10 Nov 2022, 23:14
Created by: Zero [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
BG - IR Cheating

Updated version of my rework of the jealousy system. 

This had been removed from the public because it was attracting attentions from the Sims Community (it was hidden in the Drive folder to be honest). 

I barely ever use this one but I decided to update and re-post it since I hopefully finally managed to fuck the Sims Community off for good.

If you don't know what this was, the purpose of the mod was giving more depth to the jealousy reaction, as a first thing the mod is aware of the other person involved in the cheating not only of the cheater, and of the relationship between them and the hurt sim reacting:

Second, the mod gives the cheater a buff too:

The mod now adds sentiments to the cheater and to the other sim depending on the relationships between the sims involved:

The mod also gives the cheater the possibility to explain themselves or apologize

Beware that I also track how serious the cheating was, so if a romance actually exists between the cheater and the other Sim, explaining the cheating will only make things worse.

The mod has been updated, cleaned up, the string tables fixed, if you have the old version delete it before updating. Everything is included in the main file now.

Included in the mod there was also an addon for WW, I will add it back here but I haven't used Wicked Whims in months, I don't know if it still works... it only gives a gameplay way to add some WW traits and nothing more. 

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