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Get Rid Of Your Fears  

Upload: 13 Jan 2023, 05:18
Last updated: 6-08-2023, 16:25
Created by: Krzydek [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Edit Reason: Updated to new Version - 6-08-2023, 16:25 » [PLGDante]
Get Rid Of Your Fears

Requires the XML Injector

Hello, I created a mod that adds a new interaction "Get Rid Of Your Fears" only on mirrors.

1) When Sims do this interaction, all their fears will disappear.
2) A special notification will also pop up to let you know that the fears are gone.
3) Also, Sim will get a hidden immunity buff for getting new fears for a few hours and will get a "Fear Conquered!" buff.
4) This new Interaction will be locked when Sim has no fears.
5) Sims will sometimes be able to do this interaction autonomously, but only if they are confident, focused or energized. However, the chance is small.

Mod is working with all base game and High School Years fears.
You don't have to have a High School Years Expansion Pack to work properly with this mod.

Update 1.5: (11.01.2023)
Now Sims will be able to do this interaction autonomously only when they are confident, focused or energized. However, the chance is small. Also, changed the description of the notification in Polish language.

- English and Polish by me,
- French by heidi137,
- Portuguese by Serenidy,
- German by cheaty,
- Italian by AlexandroPower,
- other have English,

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