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Vampire Powers  

Upload: 01 Apr 2022, 19:49
Created by: littlemssam [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Vampire Powers

Vampire Powers | “Be able to eat Human Food”, “Enable own Mirror Reflection”, “Stop Hissing” and more

This Mod adds new Vampire Powers to the Vampire Pie Menu

When Vampires use this Power they’ll be able to eat Human Food for 28 Days. They’ll get a visible Buff.

Their Hunger Motive will fill up and they won’t vomit if they have the “Withered Stomach” Weakness. They’ll still not really like the taste of Human Food though.


Vampire Power “Enable own Mirror Reflection”


When Vampires use this Power they’ll en-/disable their own Reflection in Mirrors. (If you delete all Buffs you need to enable your Reflection again)


Vampire Power “Stop Uncontrollable Hissing”


When Vampires use this Power the uncontrollable hissing should be prevented for 28 Days. They’ll get a visible Buff.


Vampire Power “Become immune to Sunlight”


When Vampires use this Power they will be immune to Sunlight for 28 Days. They’ll get a visible Buff.


Vampire Power “Turn Target into a willing victim” (available on TargetSims)


This Power will make unwilling Sims to willing Victims for you to Drink of.

This will delete the following Buffs which can prevent you from drinking or multiplier the chance to fail.

From TargetSim:

From Actor:

It will also add a Buff (2hrs) which multiplies the Chance to Fail with 0.

Optional Addons

Removes DarkForm from NPCs
Addon which removes DarkForm from NPCs when they are instanced

Played NPCs Have Buffs
Addon which gives played Vampires that are not a part of the active Household temporary a hidden Trait which adds the Buffs etc. from the Main Mod. The Trait gets removed when the Sim is in the active Household again



  • Japanese Translation by Simtelma
  • Portuguese Translation by IngridValentine
  • Chinese (by hi007097)
  • Swedish (by Giakou)
  • French by lorraine5530/ CandymanGaming
  • Spanish by Alice 
  • Russian by KissaLopa
  • Italian by zaffirogarnet
  • Simplified Chinese by Licer
  • Dutch by angel2evil
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