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Functional beer / Beer Made Drinkable  

Upload: 02 Apr 2022, 19:15
Created by: icemunmun [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Functional beer / Beer Made Drinkable

The mod adds 16 drinkable beers to the game. The beer meshes and textures are all made my the Lovely Sandy of Around The Sims 4.

Requires CustomDrink Interactions_Latest version

The Beers added are -

1. 1664 (France)
2. Budweiser (USA)
3. Carslberg (Denmark)
4. Corona (Mexico)
5. Foster (Australia)
6. Guinness (Ireland)
7. Heineken (Netherlands)
8. Kingfisher (India)
9. Leffe (Belgium)
10.Miller Genuine Draft (USA)
11. Paulaner (Germany)
12. Pilsner Urquell (Czech Republic)
13. San Miguel (Spain)
14. Spaten (Germany
15. Tsing Tao (China)
16. Whitbread (Great-Britain)

All credit goes to Sandy for the beers!


Available from -

---- Grab Alcoholic beverage under Custom drinks menu from the fridge
---- Buy Custom drinks menu from the professional bar
--- Buy Alcoholic beverage under Custom drinks menu from the Venue/GTW fridge
--- Dine out Restaurant menu

Price -

5 simoleons ( 7 simoleons for the DO menu)

Buff -

1. 'Cold Beer'

--- From drinking a bottle of beer
--- + 3 Happy moodlet for 2 hours

2. Beer Buzz -

---- From drinking 4 bottles of Beer
---- +2 Dazed for 2 hours
---- Autonomy Associated with traits - Outgoing, bro, Dance machine, Cheerful, goofball, energized
---- performs idle interactions associated with dance machine, active, cheerful, goofball, giddy
---- Decay modifiers - Bladder (1.3x), Energy (0.8 x), Fun ( 0.8 x), Hunger (1.2 x), Hygeine (1.2 x), Social (0.9x)

Phone UI

Phone UI

25 Mar 2023
2 459

All icons from other mods have been moved to the second page of the phone, so now all EA's tabs are on the first page. (xosdr_PhoneUI_EA keeps the EA icons but moves it all to the first page on the phone).

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