RSM (Discover University) - After School Activities Only Once Per Week
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With this mod, your Sims will no longer autonomously use their cell phones ALL THE TIME!
This Mod brings 2 Social Interactions that allow Sims (Child to Elder) to discuss Mental Health with one another as well as ask each other about their Mental Health.
The elevator is a door (costs 1000 simoleons, located in the "doors"), a technical portal (costs 1 simoleon, found in wall sculptures) + a cabin that is made by hand, at your discretion (optimal cabin size: 2x2 cells + 1x2 field for a technical portal outside the elevator, otherwise the
I give you Afterschool Activities bundle 2 which focuses more on mental skills (previous bundle was more artistic). There are 5 new activities, each with 5 levels, available for children and teens.