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Healthy Drinks  

Upload: 03 Apr 2022, 18:46
Created by: littlemssam [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Healthy Drinks

I just wanted to have some healthy Drink Options ingame…

This Mod adds a new Interaction to Fridges “Healthy Drink” which let’s you grab the following Drinks:

Drink (Costs/ or Ingredients)

  • Carrot Juice (12$/ 4 Carrots)
  • Spinach Juice (14$/ 8 Spinach)
  • Bell Pepper Juice (16$/ 2 Bell Pepper)
  • Lemon Juice (18$/ 6 Lemon)
  • Potato Juice (20$/ 4 Potato)
  • Tomato Juice (21$/ 3 Tomato)
  • Plasma Juice (25$/ 5 Plasma Fruits) - Vampire only!

Sims will get a 1 hour Buff with a Happy Mood +1 which will also increase the Fitness Skill a bit. Teens/Children will gain a bit Responsibility. Like Tea it will also influence the Sickness System.

Optional Addon

Ingredients required

Only Drinks will show up where necessary Ingredients are either in the Sims Inventory or Fridge Inventory. Does not affect NPCs or not owned Lots. Be aware  the “Healthy Drinks” Option does only show up if you indeed can make one of the drinks


Available Languages:
English (default)
German by me
Dutch by Azqwerty
Swedish by hellogreeny
Russian by KissaLopa/Neko Amiko
Polish by Anulay
Italian by zomboide/RoryCraft
Finnish by Iidesy
Spanish by Keli
Simplified Chinese by Licer
Czech by Dee/Czechteam

Counter-Fit Ovens

Counter-Fit Ovens

10 Jul 2022

Would you like new built-in kitchen furniture? Then we will make you happy! This is a fully functional stove and oven that can be built under the kitchen worktop. You can place them in any drawer compartment, such as a dishwasher. All tiles are compatible with the base game!

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