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No More Gendered Names!  

Upload: 07 May 2023, 16:03
Created by: meat-ice-creammm [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
No More Gendered Names!

With this mod, randomized names are no longer influenced by gender.

I duplicated and combined the English male and female names lists so that their lists are now identical. I also did this for all English cat, dog, fox, humanoid robot, Indian, Islander, Japanese, Latin, Moroccan, skeleton, and Star Wars names. You don't need any of their respective packs to use the mod.

This overrides the sims.sim_spawner tuning, so avoid using this with other mods that change this tuning.

Thanks to Enkidu for helping me get this working!

Feminist Trait

Feminist Trait

30 Jun 2022
1 431

Feminist is a Sim who supports feminism: advocating women's rights. The feminist firmly believes that men and women deserve equal rights and strives for gender equality.

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