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Autonomous Call Off Wedding Mod  

Upload: 06 Apr 2022, 11:12
Created by: simsmodelsimmer [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

I like drama in my game so I thought it would be fun to add an extra element. In the default game, only the active sim can call off a wedding when getting married and only when directed to do so. This mod makes it so that there's now a chance that sims can call off their wedding autonomously when they have been cheated on by their fiance, fought with them, argued with them, recently divorced them, are incompatible, or if the sim is in a bad mood (angry, sad, etc.). In my tests, this worked with active sims and npcs. If you use Zero's cheating mod or Lumpinou's Woohoo Wellness mod, that can have an effect as well....

Sims 4 - Soccer Kids 8 MB Exclusive

Sims 4 - Soccer Kids

24 Oct 2022
1 219

If you have Simmies into soccer, they might want to offer their kids a soccer field as dollhouse, instead of the traditional castle for princesses! ;) You'll find also a small goal (deco) for your gardens or playgrounds, and outfits! Matching T-shirts, shorts and socks both for kids and toddlers.

Crafter Trait

Crafter Trait

01 May 2022

The Creative Trait doesn’t really cover the newer arts and crafts skills and the Maker Trait is mainly for Fabrication skills. So, I create this new trait to cover arts and crafts skills such as knitting, cross-stich, and flower arranging.

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