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All Baking from the Cupcake Machine in the oven  

Upload: 10 May 2023, 18:08
Created by: Somik&Severinka [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
All Baking from the Cupcake Machine in the oven

26 recipes
Baking Skill
Realistic cooking process, prices and ingredients

Install only one version to choose from (ingredients are optional):
EA (if you play without Realistic Cooking Mod and/or SCCO)
RCM (if you are playing with Realistic Cooking Mod and/or SCCO)

Custom meshes for the stove - eclairs, croissants, berry macaroons, the rest of the meshes are game

Required Sims 4 addon - Get to Work!

The following custom content is required for this download to function properly! Please make sure you download it before downloading the files!

[SS] Recipes_OverrideEA_Baking in the Oven
[SS] Recipes_OverrideEA_Baking in the Oven

Conversation Tweak

Conversation Tweak

24 Mar 2022
1 853

In TS4, the more ordinary conversation choices are ofter burried under object based or otherwise weird stuff. This mod makes those topics less visible and thus helps guiding your Sims the the desired conversation without endless clicks.

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.