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Realistic Kids Mods  

Upload: 10 Apr 2022, 13:09
Created by: Cepzid [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Realistic Kids Mods

This mod make your sims can do activity like cooking, garden, spell, exercise, and more. Since the game give seperate gameplay for kids sims.

List of this mod
- Kids can cooking, grill, make popcorn, ice cream, coffee, make tea, and using cupcake machine

- Kids can playing guitar
- Kids can exercise, if you have fitness stuff, they can rock climbing and tv workout.
- Kids can do spa activity (Require Spa day pack)
- Kids can using simray (Get to work require)
- Kids can do retail activity  (Get to work require)
- Kids can clean counter
- Kids can Programing
- Kids can repair objects
- Kids can using wash tub
- Kids can make robot (Discover university require)
- Kids can make flower at  arranging table
- Kids can make potion at cauldron (Realm of magic require)
- Kids can perform magic/spell  (Realm of magic require)
- Kids can play ballpits (Toddler stuff pack require)

Functional Grinder

Functional Grinder

02 May 2022
1 150

Why buy flour or sugar when you can make these products yourself? The functional shredder will help you save Simoleons on groceries and create many new and interesting things!

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