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Download full version of Multiplayer Call of duty 4 1.8-21.1  

Upload: 11 May 2022, 07:45
Created by: a6pakaTa6pa [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Download full version of Multiplayer Call of duty 4 1.8-21.1

Build by a6pakaTa6pa for Zona-Ato. The game has been updated to the latest client version 21.1. Cut single player, only multiplayer. The "Single Player" button has been removed from the menu.

1. Quick install.

2. Automatic key setting.

3. The game has been updated to the latest client version 21.1

4. Improved voice acting from MW3. (The original voice acting is also present in the assembly. )

5. Removed:  flying debris on the maps, haze and flames when shooting on weapons (as in the promo). FPS will be more stable on weak computers.

6. Added headshot sounds, first blood, kill streak. 

7. Cut single player, only multiplayer. The "Single Player" button has been removed from the menu.

8. Automatically check for DirectX9 updates.

9. Russified the names of the maps "Meat Grinder", "Snow Crash", "Bay", "Station" and "Chinatown" 

10. If you already have another version of the game installed (along with Single Player for example), then it is not necessary to uninstall it. Just install the new game in a different folder, both versions will work correctly (just add a new shortcut).

11. If you have already played on servers | ZONA ATO | , then your  RANK, PRESTIGE and STATISTICS WILL BE SAVE!

12. Game size 2.8 GB.

ATTENTION! If you have the old version of my assembly installed , then it is better to remove it before installing the new version !!!

The procedure for installing the original voice acting:

By default, the voice acting is from the mw3 game. If you want the original Russian voice acting, then at the root of the installed game you need to go to the main folder and delete the localized_russian_iw08.iwd file . Keep in mind that when you delete the voice acting, you will also lose the voice acting for many killstreaks.  When you restart the game, you will have the original voice acting.

I recommend downloading here

Or via torrent here

Who does not have the ability or desire to download the assembly, but the game is installed with version 1.7, then you can download updates to version 1.8 from the link. When you run the update installer, you need to specify the folder with the installed game.

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