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SFO: Grimhammer III - The Art of War  

Upload: 02 May 2022, 15:33
Created by: Venris [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
SFO: Grimhammer III - The Art of War

S.imply F.un O.verhaul: Grimhammer III is a total overhaul mod that changes every aspect of the TW: WH III to be closer to the lore and Warhammer universe. SFO mods are not meant to be better than vanilla game but meant to be a different experience! Vanilla is great and no mod will change that!

We are long fans of Warhammer and want to share this passion with all of you.


- Can be enabled on ongoing vanilla campaigns. Save-compatible. Working without any problems with all mods that don't change units/abilities balance and stats.

- Most changes from SFO: Grimhammer II mods ported and readjusted for old content. Because it's very hard to port WH2 textures and models, most reskin that SFO 2 had currently use vanilla assets. In time we will be updating them to the proper unique look they previously had.

- Better Camera Mod by Kam added.

- GMD Spawn Reskin by dilaguna added.

- Adjustments were done to battle values like hit chance, collision damage, etc.
- Adjustments were done to simple campaign values like recruitment and upkeep. It's now closer to vanilla values so it will be easier to make submods in future. All Legendary Lords and Heroes upkeep was removed.

- Maximum resistance and melee hit chance values changed to be capped at 75 (from 90).

- Morale and melee defence penalty for Player and bonuses for AI removed from all difficulty levels. Settings selection screen shows exact difficulty bonuses. Each level's effects are much higher.

- Aura vfx removed from all characters.

- Health increased for all units; +30% for single entities and +60% for the rest.

- Regeneration capacity changed to 200% (from 75%) maximum health.

- Charge distance increased by +25%.

- Vigour loss reduced by around -25%, each stage is -5% to all unit stats.

- All chariots' rotation speed and acceleration increased by +25%.

- Fire arc for most units changed to 80 (from 60).

- Mass and knockback values readjusted for many units making large units way stronger.

- Values rounded and readjusted for many units making differences and calculations more clear.

- Morale changed to be based mostly on health and not actions removing endgame unbreakable units problem.

- Experience required to gain chevron is higher but also more steady.

- All attributes received small frame changes so it's now easier to spot their icons.

- Summons reworked; there are now 3 types of unbinding. First is based on time, after which the unit dies (3 minutes in most cases), second puts units on a shorter kill clock and it only ticks when winds of magic are below 50% (with a total of 60 seconds) and third is -25% malus to main stats when health is below 50%.

- All Legendary Lords and Heroes have golden frames around their unit cards.

- All characters resized to the natural sizes of their race.

- Small autoresolve buff added to Player against AI.


- Game has quite a big bug making it so that there are no level 1 towers in walled sieges. We fixed that by adding proper tower levels.

- All wall and gate health increased so it's harder to destroy them. Rams and special units are now the best ways to accomplish that.

- Siege towers and rams are constructed way faster before sieges and have more health.

- All missile units now deal way less damage to structures, artillery on the other hand now deals more damage.

Wall Towers:

- Power level of every faction tower is the same now. WH1 and WH2 factions towers were very weak in comparison to WH3.

- Firing arc increased to 150 (from 90).

- Range changed to 300/350/400/450 (from 350m).

Buildable Towers:

- Power level of every faction towers is the same now. WH1 and WH2 factions towers were very weak in comparison to WH3.

- No longer based on fort towers but on survival towers instead.

- Construction time changed to 125/150/175/200 seconds (from 90).

- Cost increased for all variants.

- Range changed to 225/250/275/300 (from 350m).


- Construction time doubled.

- All types now cost the same.

- Effects were rebalanced for all because of the cost changes.


- In Warhammer III all abilities have 100% hit chance but each time they apply damage its value is stretched between 50% and 100% of maximum value. We decided to remove it. All damage abilities now deal 100% of its damage all the time. UI however still shows 50-100% values but you should look only at the bigger number.

- "Damage Per Second" on unit ability cards changed to "Total Damage Per Second", to indicate that damage shows value when all possible entities are affected.

- Added a lot of new bullet points to abilities showing number of projectiles, area sizes, affected number of entities, if affects caster, total health replenishment, ammo replenishment and exact kills required.

- Bullet points on all units cards updated with useful information like projectile splash values, hidden things like fast attacks etc. No more redundant info like “armoured” that you already can see right away.

- All damage based ability values were increased to fit new increased health values.

- With removal of the Strong Vigour attribute we decided to make a new ability that replenishes vigour when out of combat, it's been given to some units.

- Daemonic Instability, passive; damage lowered to be the same as it is for undead but also with debuffs on every stage.

- Torment Blade, active; duration changed to 30s from 14s, cooldown to 120s from 60s.

- Many healing values were readjusted.

- Locus, active abilities; durations changed to 30s for most of them, cooldown to 120s and their effects were readjusted.

- Wand of Whimsey, active; duration changed to 20s from 12s.

- All free summon abilities cost for custom battles increased by +50%.

- All survival battles upgrades were buffed and cost increased so less clicking with stronger effects.


Cathay's roster is one of the best in the game. Besides tweaking there are no mechanical changes here. Gunpowder units generally shoot slower in SFO but we decide that Cathay should be different here. Less accuracy but faster shooting gunpowder guns will for sure help the faction. Cathay has it all.


- Eye of the Dragon, passive; reworked to be 100m range (from mapwide). +20 accuracy and +10% missile resistance added. Forest spotting and leadership effect removed.

- Tactician, passive; area of effect changed to 50m (from 55). Stops working below 50% leadership, doesn't affect caster. Effects; +5 melee defence and +10% movement speed.

- Will of the Dragons, passive; area of effect changed to 50m (from 35m). Stops working below 50% leadership, doesn't affect caster. Effects; Immune to Psychology attribute, +10% melee, missile and explosive damage.

- Kite of the Uttermost Airs, passive; -25% speed effect added.

- Inspired, 3 active abilities; duration changed to 45s, cooldown to 120s. Devastating Flanker attribute added to Inspired Assault and Snipe attribute added to Inspired Marksmanship.

- Wrath of the Storm, active; area of effect changed to 40m (from 35m). Duration changed to 45s (from 32s). +25% movement speed effect added.

- Master of Alchemy, 4 active abilities; area of effect changed to 40m from 30m. Duration changed to 30s (from 20s), cooldown to 120s (from 90s). All effects were buffed.

- Enchanted Metallurgy, 4 active abilities; Duration changed to 30s (from 20s), cooldown to 120s (from 90s). All effects were buffed.

- Disdain of the Dragons and Aura of Majesty, passive; area of effect changed to 40m (from 35m).

- Wandering Iron, passive; area of effect changed to 50m (from 35m).

- Elixir, 2 active abilities; Duration changed to 60s (from 30s), cooldown to 120s (from 90s).

- Shield of the Nan Gau, passive; first two stages activate after 5s, instead of 15s.

- Defensive Stance, passive; +10% mass added to the second stage.

- Warding Iron, passive; +5% spell resistance added.



- Iron Dragon, legendary lord; small collision damage added to dragon form. Immune to Psychology attribute added to human form.

- Storm Dragon, legendary lord; small collision damage added to dragon form. Immune to Psychology attribute added to human form.

- Magistrate, lord; Immune to Psychology attribute added.

- Dragon Blooded Shugengan, 2 lords; Yin and Yang variants changed to me have more offensive/defensive stats. Discouraged/Weakened contact effects added.

- Astromancer, hero; Blind contact effect added to foot and mounted variants.

- Alchemist, hero; no big changes.


As SFO gunpowder weapons shoot way slower we decided to change things with Grand Cathay. This faction is very familiar with gunpowder so their devices would be better designed to use it fast (but they have relatively less accuracy than Dwarf or Empire for balance reasons)

- Jade Warriors; movement speed increased a bit and changed to be the same as Crossbowmen.

- Jade Warrior Crossbowmen; number of entities changed to 100 (from 90). Shielded variant has relatively less reload speed, but has more melee defence.

- Jade Lancers; anit-large added to melee attacks.

- Celestial Dragon Guard; number of entities changed to 80 (from 100). All defensive stats increased. Shields block changed to 45% (from 35%). Immune to Psychology attribute added.

- Celestial Dragon Crossbowmen; range changed to 140 (from 160) and missile damage increased. All defensive stats increased. Shield block changed to 45% (from 35%). Immune to Psychology attribute added.

- Peasant, 2 units; no big changes.

- Peasant Horsemen; number of entities changed to 75 (from 60).

- Crane Gunners; formation changed to be more organised and formed. number of entities changed to 40 (from 32). Missile weapons reload time decreased by around 25%. Shields block changed to 70% (from 65%).

- Iron Hail Gunners; number of entities changed to 100 (from 90). Missile weapons reload time decreased by around 25%. Shieldbreaker contact effect added. Movement speed increased so they are way more mobile. +10 armour.

- Great Longma Riders; number of entities changed to 30 (from 24). Cavalry Bane contact effect added. +25% spell and missile resistance added. New SFO ability, Scale of the Dragon, passive granting damage reflection when above 50% leadership. Shields block changed to 45% (from 30%).

- Sky Junk; Flammable contact effect added. Blinded contact effect added to bombardment ability, its area of effect changed to 10m (from 6m). Spotting range increased to 320m (from 80m).

- Sky Lantern; number of entities changed to 2 (from 1). Forest spotting range increased to 320m (from 80m). +10 movement speed.

- Terracotta Sentinel; +25% spell and missile resistance added. Bolstered Leadership SFO ability and small collision damage added.

- Grand Cannon; Take Cover contact effect added. +5 movement speed.

- Fire Rain Rocket; Burnt contact effect added. +5 movement speed. Shoots faster than Sky Junk. Lowered range to 300 (from 375).

- Wu-Xing War Compass; +50% spell resistance added. Harmony Amplifier changed to +50% (from +20%). These changes are for the unit only, not the mount! Spells changed to be bound with half Winds of Magic cost but double cooldown.


Khorne is power and power. Roster may not be the largest but each unit has its role so we did not want to change that. Only bigger changes we made are for Skull Cannons and Chaos Spawn of Khorne. You should expect a lot of bloodshed here.


- Totem of Endless Bloodletting, passive; area of effect changed to 40m (from 35m). Melee attack effect removed, -1% vigour per second added.

- Hellblades, passive; Searing Flame SFO contact effect added.

- Reveal in Slaughter, passive; area of effect changed to 40m (from 35m).

- Locus of Wrath, active area of effect changed to 50m (from 35m). Duration changed to 30s (from 25s), cooldown to 120s (from 90s).

- Bloodthirst, active; duration changed to 30s (from 17s), cooldown to 90s (from 60s).

- Rage Embodied and Incarnate, active; duration changed to 30s from 35. Area of effect changed to 30/60m (from 35/55m). -10 melee defence effect added.

- Wrathful Reaper, active; duration changed to 45s from 36s, cooldown to 150s from 90s. Overwhelm SFO contact effect added.

- Bellow of Fury and Endless Fury; cooldown changed to 120s from 60s. Area of effect changed to 6m (from 4m).

- Burning Rage, active; number of uses changed to unlimited from 3, cooldown changed to 120s from 90s.

- Horn of Khorne, army; area of effect changed to 50m from 35m.

- Relentless Rage, army; duration changed to 30s from 20s. -3% vigour per second added

- Blade of Khorne, army; Vortex Bleed SFO contact effect added.


- Skarbrand, legendary lord; fast attacks added.

- Exalted Bloodthirster, lord; no big changes.

- Herald of Khorne, lord; no big changes.

- Bloodreaper, hero; no big changes.

- Cultist of Khorne, hero; no big changes.


- Bloodcrushers of Khorne; number of entities changed to 30 from 32, made into shock anti-infantry cavalry. +25% missile resistance added. Mass increased by around +50%, high knockback resistance added.

- Skullcrushers of Khorne; number of entities changed to 30 from 32, made into tanky cavalry. +25% missile resistance added, Armour Sundering contact effect added. Mass increased by around +50%, high knockback resistance added.

- Bloodletters; No big change besides increasing speed relative to the exalted variant.

- Exalted Bloodletters; Disciplined attribute added.

- Chaos Warriors of Khorne, 3 units; number of entities changed to 80 from 100. Immune to Psychology and Cause Fear attributes added. fast attacks added to Dual Weapons variant.

- Skullcannon; number of entities changed to 4 (from 1), +25% missile resistance added. We decided that this unit is not performing well as a single entity and needs such a change.

- Blood Shrine of Khorne; New SFO ability, Shrine of Eternal Blood, strong aura with 5 stages buffing melee attack and armour-piercing damage. Those changes are for units only, not the mount!

- Gorebeast Chariot; adjusted to Warriors of Chaos variant.

- Soul Grinder; collision damage adjusted so it's dealing way more damage in melee. Damage against structures increased by +100%. Burnt contact effect added to ranged attacks. Number of projectiles changed to 5 (from 3). Wallbreaker attribute added.

- Bloodthirster; Burnt contact effect added.

- Flesh Hounds of Khorne; Bleed SFO contact effect, +25% scaling melee damage and Strider attribute added.

- Minotaurs of Khorne, 2 units; number of entities changed to 12 (from 16). Strider attribute added.

- Furies of Khorne; high normal damage.

- Spawn of Khorne; changed into a single entity with new abilities that buff own units and damage enemies around. Its power increases below 50% health.

- Warhounds; no big changes.


God of Pleasure is very problematic both in lore and tabletop. Highly mobile and glass cannon factions don't translate well to Total War. That's why we decided to add more ways to debuff your enemies with various abilities and contact effects. Also, as the roster is not the best we added more meaningful roles to each unit.


- Soul Hunters, passive; charge bonus changed to +20 (from +10).

- Willing Prey, active; duration changed to 25s (from 15s), cooldown to 120s (from 90s).

- Witstealer Sword, active; duration changed to 45s (from 17s), cooldown to 150s (from 120s).

- Allure of Slaanesh, passive; area of effect changed to 40m (from 35m).

- Seductive Glory, active; area of effect changed to 40m from 35m). duration changed to 30s (from 20s), cooldown to 120s (from 90s).

- Harvester of Souls, passive; duration changed to 30s (from 21s), cooldown to 30s (from 15s). +10%/+20% physical resistance added.

- Fascination, army; duration changed to 30s (from 23s).

- Narcissism, army; duration changed to 30s (from 13s), cooldown to 60s (from 90s). -25% melee attack effect added.

- Sweet Sorrow army; duration changed to 30s (from 20s). +100% acceleration effect added.


- N'kari, legendary lord; small mass increase. Perfect Vigour attribute and fast attacks added.

- Exalted Keeper of Secrets; shield block changed to 30% (from 20%). Perfect Vigour attribute and fast attacks added.

- Herald of Slaanesh, lord; no big changes.

- Cultist of Slaanesh, hero; fast attacks added.

- Allures, hero; Charmed contact effect added to all variants.


- Marauders, 3 units; shields block changed to 45% (from 35%). Whip variant damage lowered but Overwhelm SFO contact effect added.

- Daemonettes; Vigorous SFO ability added. Has relatively higher speed than the exalted variant. New SFO ability, Masochists, aura that gives enemies contact effect that buffs Daemonettes, you know they like to be hit tssssss.

- Exalted Daemonettes; Vigorous SFO ability and Disciplined attribute added. New SFO ability, Masochists added.

- Fiends of Slaanesh; Soporific Musk contact effect duration changed to 30s (from 10s). Vigorous SFO ability, Strider attribute and fast attacks added.

- Hellstriders of Slaanesh, 2 units; Strider attribute added, shield block changed to 45% (from 35%). Acceleration increased by +50%. Whip variant damage lowered but Overwhelm SFO contact effect added.

- Seekers of Slaanesh; Grave Wound SFO contact effect, Unspottable and Stalk attributes added. +10 movement speed and more charge than Heartseekers of Slaanesh with less defence. High none armour-piercing damage.

- Heartseekers of Slaanesh; Grave Wound SFO contact effect added. High armour-piercing damage.

New SFO ability Serrated Bladestorm that deals damage to enemies on charge and lower their melee attack added to all chariot units. That ability is for units only, not mount versions.

- Seeker Chariot; number of entities changed to 6 (from 4). Bleed SFO contact effect added. Hide in Forest attribute added.

- Hellflayers; Bleed SFO contact effect added. Hide in Forest attribute added. +20 armour.

- Exalted Seeker Chariot; number of entities changed to 2 (from 1). Maim SFO contact effect added. Hide in Forest attribute added. +20 armour.

- Soul Grinder; Enfeeble Attack, SFO ability and Wallbreaker attribute added. Damage against structures increased by +100%. +10 movement speed.

- Keeper of Secrets; shield block changed to 30% (from 20%). Perfect Vigour attribute and fast attacks added.

- Furies of Slaanesh; anti-large with armour-piercing and higher charge but lower melee defence.

- Chaos Spawn of Slaanesh; number of entities changed to 8 (from 16). Anti-infantry bonus and Unseen Beasts SFO ability added.


Nurgle is all about very tanky units. But sadly not in vanilla so we decided to give all units regeneration outside of melee combat changing basic Cloud of Flies ability. All units are also more tanky so maybe damage output is not the best but your units will have time to deal damage slowly and debuff enemies with synergy of all new poisons we added.


- Cloud of Flies, passive; fully reworked to work only when out of melee. Regenerate health, increases missile resistance with negative fire resistance. All Nurgle units' basic stats were increased because of that.

- Slime Trail, passive; all effects doubled.

- Fetid Stench, passive; area of effect changed to 40m (from 35m). -10 armour effect added.

- Blight Swarm, active; duration changed to 30s (from 20s), cooldown to 90s from 60s. Melee defence effect changed to -25 (from -20).

- Virulent Contagion, 2 active abilities; duration changed to 45s from 30s for upgraded variant, cooldown to 90s from 120s. Number of uses to 4 (from 2). Melee defence effect changed to -50 (from -40).

- Plaguefathers Oration, active; duration changed to 30s (from 26s), cooldown to 120s from 90s. Area of effect changed to 50m (from 35m). Melee defence effect changed to +30 (from +24). It now also deals damage to enemies within its range.

- Nurgling Infestation, passive; area of effect changed to 50m (from 35m).

- Icon of Eternal Virulence, active; area of effect changed to 40m (from 35m).

- Curse of the Slug, army; duration changed to 30s (from 17s), cooldown to 90s (from 60s).

- Fecundity, army; duration changed to 15s (from 12s), healing value changed to 1% (from 0,8%).

- Rot, Glorious Rot, army; duration changed to 25s (from 18s).

- Chaos Spawn of Nurgle; Regeneration ability added with small movement speed and melee attack reduction.


- Ku'Gath Plaguefather, legendary lord; +30 missile resistance added.

- Exalted Great Unclean One, lord; high knockback resistance added.

- Herald of Nurgle, lord; Bolstered Leadership SFO ability added to palanquin mount variant.

- Plagueridden, hero; Bolstered Defence SFO ability added to palanquin mount variant.

- Cultist of Nurgle, hero; Swarm of Flies ability added.


- Nurglings; +10 anti-large added. Normal damage increased, armour-piercing removed.

- Plaguebearers; mass and knockback increased. Has relatively higher speed than the Exalted variant.

- Exalted Plaguebearers; mass, knockback increased, Disciplined attribute added. Missile contact effect changed to Plague of Nurgle SFO contact effect (from Poison). +1 ammunition and +10 anti-large added to projectiles.

- Beast of Nurgle; number of entities changed to 4 (from 1).

- Plague Toads of Nurgle; Poison changed to Lethal Poison SFO contact effect.

- Pox Riders of Nurgle; Poison changed to Lethal Poison SFO contact effect.

- Rot Flies; Poison changed to Buzz new SFO contact effect that lowers leadership, speed and removes Encourage attribute.

- Plagues Drones of Nurgle;  Poison changed to Buzz new SFO contact effect. More tanky variant than Death Heads.

- Plagues Drones of Nurgle (Death Heads); Poison changed to Buzz new SFO contact effect. Projectile contact effect for Death Heads changed to Plague of Nurgle SFO contact effect. More ammunition added.

- Great Unclean One; high knockback resistance and +25 anti-infantry added. Increases own armour and missile resistance while in melee and lowers enemies armour-piercing damage around with new SFO ability. Its power increases below 50% health.

- Soul Grinder; Wallbreaker attribute added. Damage against structures increased by +100%. Missile contact effect changed to Lethal Poison SFO contact effect (from Poison).

- Furies of Nurgle; more health but slower flight.

- Forsaken of Nurgle; Frenzy ability changed into Cloud of Flies. 20% shields added. New models made by Xenon.


Changer of Ways is range power faction with powerful spells. Additional sources of Winds of Magic and new bound spells will help the roster for sure. Overall increase to shields values is also a change we made so players can be more aware of that mechanic. Forsaken and Chaos Spawn units rework work perfectly as new frontline.


- Master of Fates and Seer of Destiny, 2 passive abilities; area of effect changed to 60m (from 55m).

- Oracle of Eternity, active; duration changed to 30s (from 22s), cooldown to 120s (from 90s). Wardsave effect changed to +60% (from +44%).

- Gaze of Fate, active; duration changed to 20s (from 15s).

- Storm of Fire, army; Discouraged contact effect added.

- Bolt of Change, army; Sundered Armour contact effect changed to Zzzzap contact effect.

- Chromatic Tome, active; duration changed to 30s (from 27s), cooldown to 90s (from 60s). +10% spell resistance added.

- Staff of Tomorrow, active; +10% spell mastery added.


- Kairos Fateweaver, legendary lord; Greater Magic Bond, Arcane Mastery and Soul Leech of Tzeentch SFO abilities added. Melee stats increased by a lot.

- Exalted Lord of Change, lord; Soul Leech of Tzeentch SFO abilities added. +20% missile resistance added.

- Herald of Tzeentch, lord; medium explosion added to projectiles.

- Iridescent Horror, hero; anti-large added to projectiles with +25 more range.

- Cultist of Tzeentch, hero; Apex Magic SFO ability and Searing Flame SFO contact effect added. Banner of Eternal Flame ability added.


- Barrier regeneration to 30 (from 20) per second.

- Blue Horrors of Tzeentch; reload time reduced by -25%, fast attacks added. New SFO ability added, Winds of Warpfire, replenish ammunition when above 50% winds of magic.

- Pink Horrors of Tzeentch; reload time reduced by -25%, fast attacks added. Projectiles changed to mostly armour-piercing. Winds of Warpfire, SFO ability, added. More ammo than Exalted variant.

- Exalted Pink Horrors of Tzeentch; reload time reduced by -25%, fast attacks added. Projectiles changed to be mostly armour-piercing with small sized base explosive dmg and Banish SFO contact effect. “Winds of Warpfire”, SFO ability and Disciplined attribute added

- Forsaken of Tzeentch; less attack than normal variant but with “No Time No Death” SFO ability making that entities cannot die when above 50% leadership. Frenzy ability removed. Look changed to way less generic.

- Chaos Spawn of Tzeentch; number of entities changed to 24 (from 16). Apex Magic SFO ability added. We wanted Spawn to have a proper role in the Tzeentchian roster so they should work better as frontline now.

- Flamers of Tzeentch; number of entities changed to 16 (from 12). High melee damage with low melee attack. Range changed to 100 (from 90).

- Exalted Flamer of Tzeentch; Bolstered Marksmanship SFO ability added. High melee damage with low melee attack.

- Burning Chariot of Tzeentch; +20% missile resistance added. Projectiles mass lowered by -33% so should stagger enemies less often.

- Screamers of Tzeentch; adjustments to make their health pool small but barrier pool high.

- Knights of Tzeentch; changed to be similar to Warriors of Chaos variant with anti-infantry role but less melee attack. +40% spell resistance and Immune to Psychology attribute added. Entirely new look with custom models made by Xenon.

- Doom Knights of Tzeentch; number of entities changed to 25 (from 24). Magical attacks, Cavalry Bane SFO contact effect, +40% spell resistance and Strider attribute added. Entirely new look with custom models made by Xenon.

- Soul Grinder; Wallbreaker attribute added. Damage against structures increased by +100%. Shieldbreaker contact effect added to ranged attacks. Now shoots 5 projectiles instead of 1, feels like Carian Phalanx!

- Furies of Tzeentch; Guardian ability and more melee defence added.

- Lord of Change; Magic Bond SFO ability and Blind contact effect added. +20% missile resistance and Unholy Pact with the Changer SFO ability added.


Kislev is a faction based on hybrid units. So we did not want to change that, but it caused problems when units like Tzar Guard or Winged Lancers were underperforming. So we focused on those weak aspects of the factions giving more value to all units.




- Elemental Breath, active; cooldown changed to 90s (from 60s).

- Blood of the Motherland, passive; area of effect changed to 40m (from 35m). +10% mass effect added.

- Axe of Tor, active; cooldown changed to 120s (from 90s).

- Dazhs Brazier, passive; area of effect changed to 30m (from 35m).

- Balalaika of the Arari, passive; area of effect changed to 40m (from 35m).

- The Courage of Sacrifice, passive; area of effect changed to 40m (from 35m).

- Tors Battle Hymn, active; duration changed to 30s (from 25s), cooldown to 120s (from 90s).

- Salyaks Lullaby, active; area of effect changed to 40m (from 35m). Healing value changed to 1% (from 0,8%). Cooldown changed to 120s (from 90s).

- Dazs Song of Winter Sunlight, active; area of effect changed to 40m (from 35m) and cooldown to 120s (from 90s).

- Ursun’s Roar, active; duration changed to 30s (from 9s), cooldown to 120s (from 60s). Area of effect changed to 50m (from 35m).

- Blaze of Devotion, passive; area of effect changed to 40m (from 35m). +5 melee attack effect changed into +5 armour-piercing.

- Armour of Ursun, passive; all effects buffed.

- Fury of Ursun, active; duration changed to 30s (from 18s), cooldown to 120s (from 90s).

- Iron Ice Armour, passive; area of effect changed to 30m (from 35m). Effects buffed.

- Gastuvas Egg, active; +10% physical resistance added.


- Tzarina Katarin, legendary lord; Arcane Mastery SFO ability added.

- Kostaltyn, legendary lord; fast attacks and Immune to Psychology attribute added.

- Boris Ursun, legendary lord; Skald SFO ability, Expert Charge Defence and Immune to Psychology attribute added. Cavalry Bane SFO contact effect added to foot variant.

- Boyar, lord; Skald SFO ability added.

- Ice Witch, lord; no big changes.

- Patriarch, hero; fast attacks added.

- Frost Maiden, hero; no big changes.


- Kossars, 2 units; number of entities changed to 120 (from 90). Both variants changed to be the same price but with different roles.

- Armoured Kossars, 2 units; number of entities changed to 100 (from 90). 360° firing arc added. Both variants changed to be the same price but with different roles.

- Tzar Guard, 2 units; mass and knockback resistance increased. Expert Charge Defence attribute added. Shields block changed to 60% (from 55%). Small aoe added to melee attacks. New SFO ability Skald! added; increases leadership and melee damage upon successfully killing enemies.

- Streltsi; number of entities changed to 100 (from 90). Way better in melee.

- Ice Guard, 2 units; Exceptional Protection SFO ability added.

- Horse Archers; name changed to Kossovite Archers. Woodsman attribute added. Anti-large bonus added to projectiles.

- Kossovite Dervishes; Woodsman attribute and fast attacks added.

- War Bear Riders; number of entities changed to 15 (from 16). Immune to Psychology attribute and Bonecrusher SFO contact effect added.

- Snow Leopard; Thirst and Vigorous SFO abilities added. Strider and Stalk attributes added. +20% missile resistance added.

- Elemental Bear; Chilling Aura ability and collision damage added. Frostbite contact effect replaced with Vortex (damage and speed malus) SFO contact effect.

- Light War Sleds; Bolstered Attack SFO ability and Bonecrusher SFO contact effect added.

- Heavy War Sleds; Bolstered Armour SFO ability and Bonecrusher SFO contact effect added.

- Little Grom; +5 movement speed, Bonecrusher SFO contact effect and Encourage attribute added.

- Winged Lancers; Shields block changed to 40% from 30%. Devastating charge added - higher collision damage on charge. Disciplined and Immune to Psychology attributes added.

- Gryphon Legion; Shields block changed to 40% (from 30%). Devastating charge added - higher collision damage on charge. Disciplined, Immune to Psychology and Devastating Flanker attributes added.

TRIVIA: Do you know that Winged Lancers and Gryphon Legion units are based on polish Husaria from the 17th century? It was the best heavy cavalry in history. It was also the first cavalry that was using cycle charging to an insane extent, winning whole wars for Poland. Husar was changing his horse and lance with almost every charge. Only noble could be husars so they had from 5-10 horses for every battle. Wings on back had only ceremonial form, horse charge was way louder than wing noise. Enemies were running not because of wings but Husaria fame. This formation lost only 1 battle in history and it was only because horses were stuck in mud after a drunk commander sended them to charge. Sweden mercenaries had clauses in their contracts that they don't fight Husaria no matter what. Sorry, I love the history of my country :D.


Daemons of Chaos are based on units from all gods factions. So no unit changes were required here. Big difference is when we talk about Daemon Prince. We focused here on all his parts abilities making them different from each other and more interesting.


- Daemonic Onslaught, active; duration changed to 45s (from 34s), cooldown to 120s (from 90s). Charge Speed effect added.

- Mortal Blow, active; duration changed to 30s (from 16s), cooldown to 120s (from 90s). Small explosion added to its activation.

- Purge the Weak, active; duration changed to 30s (from 22s).

- For the Slaughter, passive; duration of each stage changed to 30s (from 25s). Area of effect changed to 40/50m (from 35/45m).

- Eldritch Aura, passive; area of effect changed to 40m (from 35m).

- Shadow Shroud, active; Stalk attribute and movement speed bonus effect added.

- The Dark Master, active; drains enemy vigour as a new effect.

- Pestilent Decay, passive; damage lowered a little but -10 armour effect added.


- Be'lakor, legendary lord; Maim SFO contact effect added.

- Daemon Prince, legendary lord; no big changes besides abilities adjustments.


Ogre Kingdoms are an interesting case. Whole roster is made of the same puzzles just in different shapes. That's why we focus on making each of those similar units different so you won't end up with the same units every time.


- Dismember, army; duration changed to 30s (from 23s).

- Massacre, army; duration changed to 30s (from 26s). Area of effect changed to 50m (from 35m).

- Everyone Has Their Price, active; duration changed to 30s (from 20s), cooldown to 90s (from 60s). Removes Immune to Psychology.

- Scepter of Titans, active; duration changed to 45s (from 21s), cooldown to 150s (from 120s).

- Overtyrants Crown, passive; Area of effect changed to 40m (from 35m). +25% mass effect added.

- Extra Ingredients, active; Cooldown changed to 120s (from 90s). All effects were buffed.

- Maw Shard, active; duration changed to 30s from 22s, cooldown to 90s from 60s.

- Flame Incarnate, active; duration changed to 30s (from 25s), cooldown to 120s (from 90s). Flammable contact effect added.

- Fire Breath, active; explosion area of effect changed to 4m (from 3m9.

- Arsebelcher, passive; area of effect changed to 40m (from 35m).

- Greedy Fist, passive; area of effect changed to 40m (from 35m).

- Bellyslapper, passive; area of effect changed to 40m (from 35m). 

Those 3 abilities names are just stupid!

- Rune Maw, passive; area of effect changed to 40m (from 35m).  

- Ragbanner, passive; area of effect changed to 40m (from 35m).  

- Loner, passive; all effects buffed.


- Greaseus Goldtooth, legendary lord; A bit more tanky.

- Skrag the Slaughterer, legendary lord; Maim SFO contact effect and Overzealous Attack SFO ability added.

- Tyrant, lord; no big changes.

- Slaughtermaster, lord; Bleed SFO contact effect added.

- Hunter, hero; no big changes. 

- Butcher, hero; Bleed SFO contact effect added.

- Firebelly, hero; unique abilities were buffed.


- Gnoblars, 2 units; number of entities changed to 200 (from 160). +5 anti-large added to the spear variant.

- Sabertusk Pack, number of entities changed to 48 (from 32), Bleed SFO contact effect added.

- Maneaters, 4 units; number of entities changed to 20 (from 16). Normal variant has “fast attacks” and higher melee attack and Great Weapons variant received Bonecrusher SFO contact effect. +10% physical resistance added to all variants. Ironfist variant received +25% Scaling Damage. Shieldbreaker contact effect added to pistols.

- Ogre Bulls, 3 units; number of entities changed to 30 (from 24). +10% physical resistance added to all variants. Normal variant has “fast attacks” and higher melee attack.

- Ironguts; number of entities changed to 20 (from 16). +10% physical and missile resistance and Bolstered Defence SFO ability added. High Knockback resistance added, speed lowered.

- Leadbelchers, number of entities changed to 20 (from 16). +10% physical resistance added.

- Giant; name changed to Slave Giant, all changes made same as SFO giants with new ability.

- Gorges; number of entities changed to 20 (from 16).

- Crushers, 2 units; number of entities changed to 15 (from 12). +10% physical and missile resistance added to all variants. Mass increased but movement speed lowered.  Ironfist variant received +25% Scaling Damage.

- Mournfang Cavalry, 3 units; number of entities changed to 15 (from 12).  +10% physical resistance added to all variants. Normal variant has “fast attacks” and higher melee attack.  Ironfist variant received +25% Scaling Damage.

- Stonehorn, 2 units; harpoon variant received Stagger Shot SFO contact effect. Missile resistance changed to +50% (from +35%). Grave Wound SFO contact effect added to both melee attacks.

- Gnoblar Scraplauncher; +10% physical and missile resistance added. Number of projectiles changed to 4 (from 3).

- Ironblaster; +10% physical and missile resistance added. Some stat buffs.

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