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Legendary Lore  

Upload: 02 May 2022, 15:39
Created by: thesniperdevil [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Legendary Lore

This mod generates flavour text when certain conditions are met (see below). It has NO impact on gameplay.

LEGENDARY LORDS: Bring your legendary lord to a specific region to trigger a lore event. Take Greasus to the Fire Mouth to learn how he defeated the Black Orc Warboss Urk Ironskull, take the Dragon Twins to Altdorf to hear their thoughts on the capital of the Empire, or take Skarbrand to the Crystal Spires to witness his duel with Malekith during the End Times.

LANDMARKS: Build landmark buildings to trigger their events. You can learn about the construction of the Goldtooth's Toll Gate, witness the depravities in the Vale of Creatures, or enter the Court of the Covenant.

DUELS: If you kill a legendary lord with another legendary lord it can trigger an event. Revenge yourself on Tzeentch by defeating Kairos with Miao or Zhao, conclude Katarin or Yuri's tragic story by pitting them against each other, or win your master's praise as Nurgle against Kairos or N'Kari.

SETTLEMENTS: Learn the lore of many settlements in the world by levelling them up. Explore the twisted settlements of the Chaos Wastes, the Ogre Tribes of the Mountains of Mourn, or the vast plains of Kislev's oblasts.

OCCUPATION/RAZING: By occupying or razing certain cities, usually faction capitals, you can trigger text events. Reclaim the lost holds of the Karaz Ankor, and strike out grudges in the Dammaz Kron by attacking The Oak of Ages, Skavenblight and Lothern. Bring ruination to the capitals of civilisation as the Beastmen. As the Elves, reclaim the Phoenix Crown from Karaz-a-Karak, or end the civil war and raze Naggarond.

UNITS: Learn more about the units of the game by recruiting them to trigger an event. This lore is taken straight from the tabletop Army Books! You can also learn about each factions' Regiments of Renown and unique agents, such as Azrik the Maze Keeper, Burke Black of the Vampire Coasts, the Tomb King's Khepra Guard, or Logey Bogey's Spore 'Sploda's of the Greenskins.

Is this mod save compatible? Yes.
Can I still unlock achievements with this mod? Yes.
Is this mod compatible with [insert mod here]? Yes.
Is this mod available in any other languages? TBD.
Does this mod work in multiplayer campaigns? Yes, but has not been thoroughly tested, so report any bugs if you find them.
Why is there no lore for [insert missing event here]? This is a big project and there is still missing lore. Be the change you want to see in the world and contribute to the mod here!
I found a bug/typo! Let us know in the comment section.


470 - lore compilation
Drunk Flamingo, PrussianWarfare, Caligula - authors of the Campaign Recruitment Events mod, which has been integrated with their permission.
金花/ 洛阳侯 - authors of the Chinese language submod
Gosudar - author of the Russian language submod
Screamingrock - author of the Korean language submod

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