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Victory Conditions Overhaul - Realms of Chaos  

Upload: 02 May 2022, 16:26
Created by: Wolfy [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Victory Conditions Overhaul - Realms of Chaos

Requires the Victory Conditions Overhaul - Framework

This mod introduces a major rework of the victory conditions for the Realms of Chaos.

A lot of members of the community, including me, think that there is a poor job done in the default ones. This results in abandoned campaigns and poor differences between factions, which usually feel all the same in a lot of cases.

What is a Route?

Victory Conditions Overhaul rejects the classic idea of short and long campaigns and proposes a new idea based on completing Routes. A Route is a campaign on its own and completing it will be enough to achieve a victory and unlock the achievements.

All factions have three routes available, each one with a tone. They are mean to be short and completed around 50-70 turns and you should consider a Short Victory completing one of them and a Long Victory completing all of them. Each victory will result in a happier populace and economic rewards that will help you keep the campaign ongoing.

Frequently Asked Questions
  • Achievements still work, that is the idea
  • This mod does not disable rifts. Use Toggle Chaos Realms for that
  • You need to install both mods, this one and the framework
  • You can complete one route or all of them, it is up to you
  • Does not work with multiplayer and will not in the close future
  • Does not work with on-going campaigns, start a new one
  • Compatible with basically anything, including SFO
Special Thanks
  • Special thanks to the Da Modding Den community for their knowledge and patience. This would have not not been possible without them. I resist to give names because you are all amazing <3
  • Special thanks to cybvep for being a friend and for contributing with amazing and fresh ideas for new victory conditions. This mod would not have been possible without him
  • Special thanks to all the users that have supported the development economically
  • Thanks to all the users that have participated in the beta releases, that have reported bugs and that have contributed with reports, feelings and new ideas. You keep this alive
Support My Work

You can like the mod and share it with your friends. The bigger the community, the faster this mod is going to grow and the more interest I am going to place into maintaining it. You can also, of course, create Pull Request at GitHub or contact me directly to introduce new features.

Also, if anyone has a GitHub account and want to support, giving a star to this project (or any other), would improve my visibility. These are the main pages related to my Total War Warhammer III mod support:

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