Horse Water Trough - In-Fence Edit
To use it you'll need to chop a 2 block hole out of your fence and place it in the gap.
To use it you'll need to chop a 2 block hole out of your fence and place it in the gap.
New Meshes, New Textures BGC Upright, laying flat, and piled up versions 3 Feed Types - Complete, Performance, and Senior
New Meshes, New Textures BGC 2 swatches per, one normal hay and one alfafa hay Free to recolor & Include mesh w/ credit
I'm a few days late, sorry about that :"D Was taking a few days off for my health. Here's some (hopefully) appropriately sized signs for roads and equestrian centers! With english and simlish versions
There's apparently already a western saddlerack in the game so here's one for us english dandies
Since the trailer showed us that the stall doors are just basically 2x wide gates, I was able to make these before release. These are technically functional