RUMOR Accessory Sleeves
Here are some accessory fishnet sleeves that I've desperately needed, hope you'll enjoy these too!
Here are some accessory fishnet sleeves that I've desperately needed, hope you'll enjoy these too!
This is a set of 12 eye pieces that all come in a ton of variations. All samples are over, this is 935. Today I tried to count the number of eyes that can be made with this set, but it turned out to be impossible.
Over the last few days I worked on this cute set, consisting of one eyeshadow and 2 eyeliners! They are simple yet a statement, I really love subtle makeup, but in strong colors, and with the color selection of all items they can be combined in many pretty ways!!
This is a set of 5 eyebrows, they all have the same eyebrow style but different shape and thickness, each one suits different face types. Some are curvier, others are curved and thin, some are straighter, you get to see it. All of them are also, as always, configured using sliders.
A lovely, gory collection with quite a few items, your Sims can look both repulsive and attractive at the same time. From now on, none of their enemies will dare to approach them!
An all-in-one cosmetic set for The Sims 4. There are 6 items to perfectly match this aesthetic. Comes in 3 length variations (curled, long, semi-uncurled), all of them either for both, top or bottom eyelids, and each of them in 5 color variations. Female + male sims, teen-elder.
Therefore if you prefer having a realistic skin complexion, then this can be your go-to mod as it has varied tones that your Sim can wear without any effort. Also, it is extremely suitable for looking like a native Korean as this mod resembles the Korean people extremely well.