Pansexual Townies
New random townies will be generated as pansexual and not-exploring (so they should stay pansexual). Please note that this mod won't affect any Sims that are already in your game.
New random townies will be generated as pansexual and not-exploring (so they should stay pansexual). Please note that this mod won't affect any Sims that are already in your game.
Have you ever wished you could meet the kids, parents, siblings or pets of your Sim's friends more easily? With this mod you can invite them to hangout even if you have never met them before.
There's a lot that is still not working with the new sexual orientation feature. This mod tries to fix one aspect: the sexual orientation of random townies.
Do you want to give your deceased Sims a proper goodbye? With the Funeral Service Event you can help their friends and family deal with the loss.