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NPCMod and Addons

Upload: 19 Aug 2023, 19:56
Created by: xyth [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
NPCMod and Addons

The NPCMod is a community modding project. While initially started by Sphereii and Xyth back in A16, the team continues to grow in size every alpha. The goal of this project is to provide “Core” functionality and templates that can be reused by modders to add high functioning characters to their mods. There are 2 core modlets, both are required for this mod to work. The 0-SCore modlet contains C# code and the 0-XNPCCore contains the xml and templates.

By design this mod encourages expansion through expansion packs. Character packs focused on a entity type, for example, a 1-soldier pack or a 1-spider pack add new characters to the 0-XNPCCore. A 2-soldierfactions pack might add different factions to the 1-soldier pack, reusing those same soldier models. The sequence 0-, 1-, -2 etc. indicates there is a dependency on another modlet with a lower number prefix. Other character modders have committed to contributing additional characters that leverage this mod pack like they do to the POI (Buildings) collection called CompoPack. If you would like to join this community team, or have some features or characters to contribute, they would love to hear from you!

Current Stable Version:


  • This mod includes a Unity Tutorial Project (available separately) containing the mods controller and templates and scripts so making new characters is easy.
  • NPC characters support all vanilla character features. These include Humanoid rigging, root motion animation, collision with vehicles, rag-dolling, 100’s of animated reactions, limb decapitation and gore. These can also be retextured in xml to offer even more variety. There are some exceptions, especially on animals, which typically do not have ragdolls.
  • NPCs use a new Artificial Intelligence system called UAI. Unlike zombie AI (EAI), this system allows for advanced tasks and real time decision making based on considerations. Should the NPC attack, run, loot, follow, backup to optimized weapon range? All tasks and considerations.
  • Work very well as sleepers in POIs, respecting all of the POI volume properties.
  • Can be setup to attack on bloodmoons!
  • Spawn with vanilla or custom weapons just by editing xml.
  • Can be hired, becoming loyal companions, sharing your adventures and challenges.
  • Hired NPCs can be ordered to follow and stay, with full control via optional control icons.
  • Animals can also be hired, though don’t accept Dukes. Try meat.
  • NPCs have factions. Some like you, some don’t. Beware of bandits!
  • Hostile NPCs have additional AI so they will hunt you down more than zombies can, be warned!
  • No more losing your NPC. They will teleport to you if stuck, get too far away, or if configured, to your bedroll when you die.
  • They will follow you on foot, keeping up with you, and if you get into a vehicle, they will hide and reappear once you exit the vehicle.
  • They can heal themselves when its safe to do so, and there is a medic package for characters that can heal and mend others.
  • Low maintenance, no need to feed or water these folks, but that is a feature that could be available later.
  • Lifelike Idle animations while chatting and wandering were added to improve immersion. Many more will be added after initial release.
  • When the player/leader crouches, so do the NPCs
  • Scalable, modular architecture, so expanding character and new behaviors is much simpler.
  • Customizable pathing per NPC is available for POI designers.

New for A21

  • Weapon Swapping! Add player weapons (not every one is supported) to NPCs storage, and use the menu to enable that weapon.
  • New controller. Optimized to eliminate odd animation issues seen in A20

NPC Controls

There are craftable player commands that will control your hired NPCs as a group. You can craft these commands by typing in NPC in your crafting menu.

There are currently three commands:

  • Mode: This command is a toggle between various control modes:
  • Hunting (default): In this mode your NPC swill automatically target anything that it sees as being hostile towards it or yourself. You have no control over their actions besides stay and follow.
  • Full Control: In this mode the NPCs will not automatically target anything. It will behave as if all hostiles are threats and will only engage if you are hurt or if you start attacking one of the threats.
  • Stop: This command is a toggle and when paired with Full Control will make your NPCs halt or resume attacking their targets. This becomes especially useful when you feel like you or your NPCs will not survive an encounter and you want them to simply follow you so you can avoid the encounter altogether. It is also useful when you wish to travel without engaging any targets.
  • Help: This command is useful when you are in Full Control and want your NPCs to engage targets within 20 meters of you. If you are without ranged weapons, you want to be able to have your NPCs help you without having to either take damage or attack the hostile.


Turn EAC Off!

Option 1: Download and SCore using the links below. If the download is a .zip or .7z file like the is, then unpack that compressed file and place the mod found inside into your Mods folder. SCore isnt compressed, so download that folder directly. Then load as many expansion packs as desired, unpacking the file if needed. If you are using a dedicated server, you also need to load both Core modlets into your dedi server Mods folder. So copies in both the client side Mods folder and also on the server Mods folder.

Option 2: Use the modlauncher to load the 2 cores.

DOWNLOAD A21.1 Tutorial Project (This is only needed if you want to teach yourself how to make your own characters.) (1,1 GB)
CORE MOD DOWNLOADS (also available on the ModLauncher)
Stable Releases
DOWNLOAD A21.1 SCore: (0-SCore) (26,3 MB)
DOWNLOAD NPCCore: (0-XNPCCore) (75,4 MB)
DOWNLOAD 1-NPCXBirdPack by Xyth (Adds birds to the sky) (4,6 MB)
DOWNLOAD 1-NPCXSpiderPack by Xyth (Adds giant spiders to hostile biomes) (10,1 MB)
DOWNLOAD 1-DarksZombiez by DarkStarDragon (DarkStar’s first zombies, wasn’t gonna happen until it did.) (81 MB)
DOWNLOAD 1-DarksRaiderz by DarkStarDragon (DarkStar’s Raiders, be afraid, be very afraid.) (16 MB)
DOWNLOAD 1-DarksSoldierz by DarkStarDragon (DarkStar’s Soldiers, Hire yourself some protection.) (54 MB)
DOWNLOAD 1-DarksCleanerz by DarkStarDragon (DarkStar’s Cleaners, Special OPS guys, like soldiers but in badass black gear) (57 MB)
DOWNLOAD 1-DarksRaiderGurlzFriendly by DarkStarDragon (DarkStar’s RaiderGurls, Friendly NPCs Gurlz, Only load one version, not these and the bad Gurlz below.) (19 MB)
DOWNLOAD 1-DarksRaiderGurlz by DarkStarDragon (DarkStar’s RaiderGurls, Bandit NPCs version of the above Gurls. Only load one version, not both.) (19 MB)
DOWNLOAD 2-SummonFoxFriend by Arramus (You have a friend.) (73 KB)
DOWNLOAD 2-NPCXSpiderPack-ColonyExpansion by Arramus (An expansion for an expansion pack! Adds more spider variety. You need to load the cores AND the 1-NPCXSpiderPack expansion when you load this mod.) (409 KB)
DOWNLOAD 1-GansStandardZombies by GanTheGrey (Gan is back with some of his A19 favorite normal zombies.) (32,3 MB)
DOWNLOAD 1-GansSpecialZombies by GanTheGrey (Like zombie oddities? Look no further…) (10,9 MB)
Coming Soon 1-khzmusik_Zombies by Khzmusik (As if you have enough zombies…)
DOWNLOAD 1-khzmusik_Civilians by Khzmusik (Folks just like you, trying to survive.) (128,3 MB)

Darkness Falls 4.04 4.9GB

Darkness Falls 4.04

08 Sep 2022

Darkness Falls is not an easy mod. The primary intent is to drag out the early game, so it will take you longer than usual to get to Iron and Steel. Several things you are used to being able to make now require classes or perks to be purchased, and night-time is not fun time. The wasteland? Even

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