_ bgc _ custom icons _ all ages, genders, races _ default hands on preview M / F _ use: apply "magic" preset for realistic hand / apply "maxis" preset for cancel "magic" _ works with other presets in sequence "magic" → different body preset _ compatible with hq _ find: body
Extended Butt Slider: You can increase the butt size horizontally more than EA default. You can increase or decrease the butt size vertically. You can change the butt position higher or lower. It replaces the default Butt slider.
This slider adds a hip and waist height slider to CAS. It's fairly subtle, but it's something that I wanted for the game for a little more body diversity.
Does not completely replace the head but sets the trajectory of its changes. The result depends on the presets you choose (cheeks, jaw, chin). I recommend trying different options to find the best one for you.