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The "Showmaster" Body Preset By VTK 

Upload: 10 Jun 2023, 20:50
Created by: killasims [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
The "Showmaster" Body Preset By VTK

I made "The Showmaster" custom body preset for those who like to use curvy female Sims with mods that have animations.

This new 2023' body preset is curvy in the right places and a lot slimmer along the waist and belly.

So, clipping should be minimal to non-existent with this mod.

Wait! What am I talking about? Sims are still clipping doors as they walk through! :)

But you know what I'm saying! :)

Please enjoy this new body preset!

Thicc King & Queen Jaw Sliders

Thicc King & Queen Jaw Sliders

27 Jun 2022
1 620

jaw sliders for both men & women teen-elder sliders on LEFT side of the jaw, just drag down the further you want the slider to go. tip: may look wonky on some sims due to their jaws & chins so play around with it. also the sims in the previews do not have the slider on max.

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